Reviews for The Vampire in the Basement
blb1000 chapter 4 . 6/9/2024
Still no food for him?
EndlessGloaming chapter 32 . 5/28/2024
Wow, what a ride. I've been hooked on this story from the start and hardly wanted to put it down. I'm a hurt/comfort junkie and that first part really got the spot. So intense!
Rylieellie chapter 32 . 4/23/2024
good story, i skipped a cpl chapters, but i still liked it
ImYours1901 chapter 32 . 2/9/2024
I started this fic over 10 years ago, and then i guess i lost my bookmark and never finished it. I found my way back to it this week and I’m so glad that i did. I couldn’t really remember anything much of what happened other than the first chapter lol, but as i read i fell in love. I also remembered that i stopped reading at ‘the bracelet’ chapter!
I do honestly think the earlier twilight fanfics were the best , and I am so glad that I have finally finally been able to finish this story.
Julia chapter 32 . 2/7/2024
Such a sweet story! And awesome plot. I loved this. Nice work
SianJohn chapter 32 . 1/30/2024
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story with us. I've read it many times over the years, and I still love it.
Namelyfine chapter 14 . 7/8/2023
Please ignore my last review wrong fic
Namelyfine chapter 13 . 7/8/2023
I would have expected Hermione to fight back against the bullies instead of just letting them drown her. Where’s her bravery?
Angelmagnet chapter 4 . 6/22/2023
I'm pretty sure I've read this before, a little wordy but good writing. Hopefully, the next chapter the terror will start to ease. I'm with Bella, feeling pretty bad for the vampire in the basement.
scharask chapter 32 . 6/2/2023
Just finished this for the first time. Such a great story! I don't usually do this but I am going to read it again immediately and savor the experience for a second time. I just loved the trembling, vulnerability of Bella's vampire. I hope you are still out there writing!
finished chapter 1 . 4/2/2023
finally finished this and i’m just irritated by the fact that you think humans could over power vampires lol. it just makes the whole fic so unrealistic. also fire wouldn’t kill a vampire — it’s only if their head has been ripped off that it would kill them. multiple times there are comments of them having a hard time breathing in the smoke? what? they don’t need to breathe lmfao. other than that it was a good plot line — just major plot holes that make zero sense.
Freelook chapter 32 . 1/2/2023
It was so beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us
leinchen chapter 32 . 11/15/2022
Hi there,
I just wanted to let you know how much I loved and enjoyed this story!
Thank you for writing and sharing it!
Greetings from Germany,
That'sMzPeachesTYVM chapter 32 . 10/13/2022
I just reread this…and it was as gripping and entrancing as the first time. So, so glad you shared it with us!
raven haired girl chapter 1 . 9/22/2022
amazing story good work you put there
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