Reviews for The Vampire in the Basement
arksy chapter 2 . 7/6/2022
Bella is too stupid to be alive. This is incredible.
SianJohn chapter 32 . 6/7/2022
I've just had the pleasure of rereading this wonderful story yet again. I absolutely love it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
Izobella Snow chapter 32 . 5/29/2022
I’ve come back and reread this story a million times. And every time, it still makes me excited. Thank you for sharing this with us all
Sox21 chapter 32 . 4/5/2022
The only thing that hurts here is that Charlie deserves better. He knew something dangerous was going on. Really well written story.
twiluvrr chapter 32 . 3/8/2022
Just Sus chapter 32 . 12/2/2021
OMG, how I loved this story! I didn't realize that this took you 3 years, and that it is your only FF! I hope you are still writing somewhere, because this was an amazing tale! Well written, with so many plot twists. I'm glad Edward got his HEA... he deserved it, after the cruelty, torture and living the way he had to for so many years. Bella certainly stood up and fought for him and his freedom. Thank you for sharing this!
DanitLuna chapter 32 . 12/2/2021
Thanks for the story
Just Sus chapter 22 . 12/1/2021
My heart breaks for what he went through! I don't know how he survived!
Just Sus chapter 15 . 11/30/2021
I can't wait to find out who held him captive, and what they did to him, and why! I love it when he speaks to Bella.
Just Sus chapter 13 . 11/30/2021
Poor guy! Seems like his memories are all intact!
Just Sus chapter 12 . 11/30/2021
I'm glad he's getting better...what's the worse that can happen? He bites her, she changes and they live happily forever? Doubt it will be that simple.
Just Sus chapter 8 . 11/29/2021
I'm intrigued with this story! It's quite interesting, and I'm so enjoying it!,
Just Sus chapter 5 . 11/29/2021
Wow, she is really tenacious and brave, and probably stupid, too! But he seems to be responding positively to her. Guess we'll see!
Just Sus chapter 2 . 11/29/2021
I don't understand why they don't give him some blood to feed him, like they did for Bella in "Breaking Dawn?" Or why doesn't Carlisle tend to his physical wounds? He seems to be in pain!
slytherinxbadxgirl chapter 32 . 11/9/2021
what a ride.
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