Reviews for Wrong?
Doreiku chapter 14 . 9/5/2009
My first reaction is "You're a terrible author for leaving us at such a big cliffy" but that thought is on the edge of my mind right now. You really are a wonderful writer and I love how you manage to keep everything cannon. Every fanfic out there is AU by default, and I like to see you put more thought into the development. Now write so you can update!
PurgatoryHeart chapter 14 . 9/5/2009
I feel so bad for poor Tidus! Wait until he finds out that his prince charming Seymour isn't so prince charming after he tries to kill them.

And Auron...he's going through so much shit to figure out what he really feels.

Overall...I love this story. Please continue writing!
xxBrokenxxAngelxx chapter 14 . 9/5/2009
Amazing, so amazing! The update, the concern in Auron, everything! This fic is amazing! You're amazing! I'm happy! So happy! Thank you for the update! YAY!
honeyberries chapter 14 . 9/5/2009
O..if I had an uncle like Kimahri,and someone like Auron in the family..I have a few people I'd wanna scare shitless heheheh..can't wait for more!
Huredhiel chapter 14 . 9/5/2009
WAH no Seymour and Tidus...oh well I will just read a fanfic! But I do love your work and I can't wait until the next chapter..Auron pulling Tidus into his lap made my eyes come out of my head...had to re-read it to make sure I read right. Until next time! Bye:D
unperson chapter 14 . 9/5/2009
Yay! I wonder what Yuna's gonna say Tidus. Thanks for this chapter, it left me much happier than the previous one. :)
NGFFctin chapter 13 . 9/3/2009 Words can't express just how much I'm in love with this story! I love how you've read into all the small cutscenes of the game. Also, I've always been a Seymour and an Auron fangirl, and I love the characters you've written for them! I was up until half one this morning reading from start to finish, so i'll definately be watching for more chapters. My longest review ever, but this story truly deserves it. Well done and keep going! ~ Nads x
PurgatoryHeart chapter 13 . 8/14/2009
Finally got through to the latest chapter! This is coming along very good, and I'm liking the story! I was very surprised though when you put Tidus and Seymour together. I hadn't been expecting that all. In fact, I expected Auron to run off after Tidus at the first sign that he was gone, but I guess that's just not how you wrote it.

Anyway, I'll be waiting for the next chapter with glee! And btw, long chapters are always good.
unperson chapter 13 . 8/13/2009
(!) Seymours still a baddie right?
fuxfell chapter 13 . 8/12/2009
Well, one thing I thought about Seymour while playing the game: He's not only creepy, he's also totally hot ;) And I love a sexy villain. So I'm glad he made an appearance in your story.

I'm very curious how things will proceed from now on...
xXToxicXAddictionXx chapter 13 . 8/9/2009
"Bow-chica-honk honk!"

"Oh, so you have taught him something."

"Teach? You don't teach that. That's just genetic."

Lol. Sorry. The title of this chapter reminded me of Red vs. Blue.


I liked this chapter. Poor Tidus. Everything's just so confusing for him.

Can't wait for the next chapter.

Update soon!
Shironami chapter 13 . 8/7/2009
lol, I felt the same way, I still kinda like seymour though, he's one of those villians you love to hate.

wow, that was one fast update! awesome! I always enjoy your chapters! great job, I like how seymour was all over the place in this one.
PhoenixCharmer116 chapter 13 . 8/7/2009
I love the way you made the dramatic love triangle. I am very eager to see what is in store, normaly I can't stand Seymour but I acctualy thought this was rather cute...yet I am also feeling sorry for Tidus because of what Seymour is going to do next...D: poor Tidus. Auron get there as fast as you can to your hubby!

nom-omnis-moriar chapter 13 . 8/7/2009
Wow, i wasn't expecting it to be like that!I thought it was going to be the typical Seymour-rapes-Tidus kind of plot, bt you went for something completely different which -with through explanantion of Tidus's behalf- made all the more sense and made this chapter one of my favourites. I actually think this is my favourite story on here now, seeing as it is one of the best written and has the fastest updates. God bless your speedy creative skills! x
Huredhiel chapter 13 . 8/7/2009
Aww fiddles, I want the two to have sex...not only do I love Auron and Tidus...but I also ADORE Seymour and Tidus! Well anyways, untiil next time! Bye:D
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