Reviews for Wrong?
Shironami chapter 12 . 8/3/2009
oh, poor tidus! atleast we know yuna's sorry and didn't mean it. thanks for the update, I always enjoy your writing. I already don't like that creepy guy. he reminds me of our neighbor we call him peeper guy, lol. he's icky!
Doreiku chapter 12 . 8/2/2009
Oh goodness, is this going to turn into a Seymour rapes Tidus fic? I don't think it Seymour would do much raping, as Tidus would definitely like it, but more acting out a power fetish he has. Nothing wrong with SeymourxTidus, in fact, I enjoy it thoroughly :D

The paragraphs focusing on Yuna's thoughts were ridiculous. She's a hoe and needs to get over herself. And I'm sure Auron feels the same xD

Awaiting the next chapter eagerly! And kudos for this one :P
Actius chapter 12 . 8/2/2009
Wow, love this story :o I wanna know what's going to happen to Tidus xP, Update please?

Lulu67 chapter 11 . 8/2/2009
Huredhiel chapter 11 . 7/27/2009
I love this story! Who ever told you that your lemon scenes were wrong were retarted in the head! I love them and this story, I can't wait until you update soon! Much love going out to this story! Bye:D

Bubski McBoo chapter 11 . 7/27/2009
Hiya! I just stumbled upon your fic, and i am impressed. It is nice to see someone who is actually realistic to the original story. Although i don't usually admit it, i'm just a big Auron fan-girl and your story keeps making me go "sqwe!"

So, thank you, well done and keep at it!

p.s: could you maybe go into more detail about Auron's voice? _'
fuxfell chapter 11 . 7/22/2009
Well... *rubs hands* I can see more angst on the horizon. Wonder what Tidus will do now. Something incredibly stupid, I bet ;)

Anyhow, I personally can't see Yuna lashing out like this, even if she's hurt that much, since during the game, she showed only the most martyr like disposition. But that's just my personal view, and I'll gladly offer that on the altar of more future angst.

Looking forward to the next chapter :)
Shadow D. Wolf chapter 11 . 7/17/2009
Damn, so much suspense.




I'm sorry if I haven't been reviewing lately, stupid exams got me caught up in a few things. Anyway, it's nice to see your updating *smiles*
nom-omnis-moriar chapter 11 . 7/15/2009
I'm so glad that you keep this story so honest in character. You never try to follow the cliche's or otherwise. For example, everyone knows how placid and calm Yuna is, but i think any girl in that situation would have been overwhelmingly emotional, and i think you portrayed that perfectly, easpecially as Yuna also has her pilgramige to take into consideration.

And now everything is out into the open, i can only expect this is were the drama begins, update soon ( as you always do!)
Doreiku chapter 11 . 7/14/2009
This chapter reminds me of how much I hate Yuna and for that, I have to thank you. Having witnessed all of Yevon's mistakes, I think her religion would be a little bit shaky and more forgiving. But, you did a nice job uncovering the beast in sleep, though you deny hating her... I know the truth :D

Reading this, I was joking to myself how sooner or later EVERYONE in Yuna's pilgrimage will know of Tidus' sexual orientation... And even of Auron's love. Leaving Tidus the only one clueless. It made me laugh... While reading Yuna's tissy fit, which also aided my fun. Very nice chapter. Anything I wanted to ask about... I now forget after this intense cliff hanger. I need to know more.
honeyberries chapter 11 . 7/14/2009
Aww,now poor Auron is gonna have to help Tidus all over I never cared bout Yuna in the first place but I sure as hell didn't like the way she lashed everything out on Tidus.I mean yeah, I get it that she's stressed out but what did Tidus ever do to her except give her care and 'd be pretty petty if she can't even see pass there has to be a tragedy at some point and I absolutely love the way you brought it I can't wait to see how Auron is gonna fix this mess
PhoenixCharmer116 chapter 11 . 7/14/2009
Poor Tidus I hope he is okay...i am kind of afraid to where he ran off to.

Please update soon.
xxBrokenxxAngelxx chapter 11 . 7/13/2009


please update soon.

i'm dying to find out what tidus does.

hanabi857 chapter 11 . 7/13/2009
cliffhanger of the month! I can't believe you cut it there!

But seriously, this is one of the best fics I've read thus far, and I hope that I'll be able to see this through to the end. Thank you.
xXToxicXAddictionXx chapter 11 . 7/13/2009
Another great chapter.

I agree with you on Yuna's reaction. With all the stress she has on her at the moment, it seems like a reaction she would take.

Anyway, can't wait to read more.

Lookin' forward to it.

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