Reviews for Wrong?
NeonGreen69 chapter 6 . 4/6/2009
I feel like Auron right now!(story wise cuz I'm kinda lacking in that body part area...) But it was very good this just makes me love Tidus and Auron even more! Though I'm a little frustrated with Tidus Oh! And thanks for some A/T action I really cant wait for the next chapter!
PhoenixCharmer116 chapter 6 . 4/5/2009
Another great chapter. Can't wait for te lemon!
Catheli chapter 6 . 4/5/2009
All-star list? Yeah! loll I can't come and read your chapters as soon as you release them. But be sure that when I do, I really enjoy it! Well written, I like how you stay true with the characters personnalities. Thank you! I hope there will be some tenderness between those two! huhu! Bobye!
Pederz chapter 6 . 4/5/2009
Oh. My. God.

*checks pulse*


Holy fuck, the best gangbang ever written. Although it's the worst cliffhanger ever, too :P

Ah man. This is the essence of hotness and greatness and skill, and fifty billion other compliments I can't express in my current condition. Shit, this is the deal, darklight :D

I hope you're writing like no tomorrow, it's wickedly awesome :D

Yours truly,

Fr3ya chapter 5 . 3/30/2009
Lol, this storys so cute. soo much Tidus fluff :)

Keep up the good work!
Pederz chapter 5 . 3/25/2009
Ahahaha, thank you SO much, darklight, for making my day at school helluva lot more easy! :P

Tidus being slow is kind of expected - or maybe even air-headed, so I think that doesn't confuse anyone. I just wondered, because since the fic is 3rd point of view, you don't really know what he's thinking -all- the time, and it makes a slight bit of difference. That's all :D

Anyway, another good chapter up, here! And even for a non-fluff writer, it's pretty darn amazing. Gorgeous, if I might add.

I can't wait for another boring day at school ;p
NeonGreen69 chapter 5 . 3/24/2009
Yay! Thank you for the cookie! And thank you for some Tidus Auron action! I love it and cant wait for more!
Maribel Maki chapter 5 . 3/24/2009
I really like this. You have a knack for writing the emotional longing that most authors lack. Keep up the good work!
Pederz chapter 4 . 3/20/2009
Heh, see now this are the kinds of fics I've been hunting down lately, not always with good luck. With that said, I'm way too biased to say anything constructive about it, especially since my love for Auron is...otherworldly ;p that I think about it, I've only got one suggestion. In chapter two, when Tidus picks up his cell phone, you add that piece of side information in parantheses right beside. My advice is, add a star * after the line you feel need explanation, and another one at the end of the chapter with the explanation.

Other than that, it's nicely written - few or none spelling and grammar mistakes, it's got a good flow except when Auron and Tidus got those serious dialogues, but that may be only because Tidus is slow :P Anyway, nice progression and balance, keep up the good work, I'm seeing forward to the next chapter of this fic, not to mention any of your future stories :-)

Yours truly, Pederz
0-Mizuki-0 chapter 4 . 3/18/2009
"Was he giving off some sort of child-abuser aura or did he just look that plain scary?" Best line ever XD
NeonGreen69 chapter 3 . 3/7/2009
I really like it so far! Now just replace Dennick with Auron and I will love it! But please up date ASAP! I'll be waiting!;D...if that sounds creepy I'm sorry. I mean 'I'll be waiting' in the must un-creepy way...
Catheli chapter 3 . 3/6/2009
Thank you for the story. I waiting for the next chapter. I really enjoyed it! Bravo! ;)
PhoenixCharmer116 chapter 3 . 3/5/2009
Keep it rolling! Can't wait until Auron and Tidus' Relationship blossoms! .
XxXFailureByDesignXxX chapter 3 . 3/5/2009
Lovin' it. Post more please. But make it AuronxTidus, dammit! :(

PhoenixCharmer116 chapter 1 . 3/2/2009
Oh Update please!
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