Reviews for Wrong?
Wolfy chapter 2 . 6/17/2012
OMGGGG I love this story. (Too lazy to log in. My username is probably redwolfmoon...or something close to that.) ANYWAY. Just so you know, you have to continue this...or I shall find a way to force you...probably. LOVE THIS! :D
Nirvana Renegade Seiga chapter 19 . 5/22/2012
I found this little gem the other night while working... And let me just say...


Wonderfully written, it flows from one scene to another without many hitches and the way that you are portraying what's going on in Tidus' head and his problems makes more sense than I would have originally guessed. You've managed to make Tidus a victim without giving him all the usual qualities of a "Mary-Sue" like victim that tends to happen when authors write about a rape/oversexed person.

I also loved Seymour's character in this. :)

Updates, few and far I between, are still pleasing to those who were and are now loyal readers.
princessmysterion83 chapter 19 . 3/3/2012
I am really enjoying this story...I was playing FF10 last night and was like: i wonder if their are Auron stories lol...even though I am stuck on the game (stupid mushroom rock- ridge), this makes me feel better wouldn't happen to have any pointers on beating the sin spawn at that point would you? Lol
Neo Rulez chapter 2 . 1/16/2012
TTTT who hurt my tidus? awh tidus don't cry i still love you even though you're gay.
Neo Rulez chapter 2 . 1/16/2012
TTTT who hurt my tidus? awh tidus don't cry i still love you even though you're gay.
Neo Rulez chapter 2 . 1/16/2012
TTTT who hurt my tidus? awh tidus don't cry i still love you even though you're gay.
Neo Rulez chapter 1 . 1/16/2012
nice chapter tidus is so cute
reader713 chapter 7 . 10/12/2011
Pell raped Tidus didn't he?

He's lucky Auron is stuck on another world or Auron would (most likely) kill him.

Probably Jecht too (Jecht, Pell would be the PERFECT person to kill using Sin, no one would mind!)
MoonlightSkye chapter 18 . 8/11/2011
:c Halfway through this chapter I realized that I still need to go beat that part in the game... DRAT. I hate you Final Fantasy X! Dx I don't wanna get killed by Seymour! _ He's scary. I was reading a walk-through and he looked really hard... So I did what any normal person would have done and turned off the PS2 and began to watch some anime (...yup, those are how my days off are spent!).

A You're impression of Seymour was similar to mine except I was like, "Huh... I think he should just end up with Yunie and be a good guy! Yeah... it'll be- What the... He killed his father? Oh... well... ugh... maybe not a good guy. Maybe the guy who rots in hell. Yup!"

DD: I want to read more! But first I have to play more of my game... I just turned if off like an hour ago to. xDD When I play more I'll come back and read the rest! This story is the best I've read in a long, LONG time!
T3T3 chapter 19 . 8/10/2011
Just here to leave some encouragement. you are an awesome writer please continue :)
Silken Moon chapter 19 . 7/23/2011
OMG! this is like sooo awesome! lolz, you should totally update ASAP! and ARG! Confess already lolz! XD i zoom through his whole story so far in like 7 hours non-stop lolz!
Finnish Spring Water chapter 19 . 6/27/2011
Q.Q Read it all in one go. Amazing! Can't wait for your next update!
qweas357 chapter 19 . 5/9/2011
Haha, I'm loving this story. I haven't been in the FFX fandom in a while and a jewel like this was certainly worth coming back for.

I hope to see a continuation soon. :) Keep up the good work.
Marquis Oxblood chapter 19 . 4/19/2011
Wow It's been updated more than half a month ago. I'm late again. Well, though you said like you're not going to put any new chapter soon, I'm still glad you continue!

Another great chapter :) It's just remind me why I love Rikku! She's so cuuute3, isn't she? and get real beautiful in X-2 more than Yuna I'd say.


I still like Auron best. Bwaha!
Yusuke kun chapter 19 . 4/17/2011
This story is awesome! Please update soon!
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