Reviews for Wrong?
kiki2222 chapter 18 . 3/20/2011
YAY!I'm glad you updated!:D
fireworkmage chapter 18 . 3/12/2011
So glad your back!

I thought i was going to have to give up on Auron & Tidus fanfic since your is -coughonlydecentfanficoutthere- '' ;; Anyways! can't wait for the next chapter. :D
Yatsuki chapter 18 . 3/11/2011
Oh my god! The 18th chapter! Oh oh, I love you too much XD! And I can't believe you did manage to write Tidus and Yung kissing without making it awkward due to the slight event and stituation change :3. Also, huge thanks to you for the last scene. Finally things are heating up between Auron and Tidus! Thank you, thank you, thank you again for the update!
honeyberries chapter 18 . 3/10/2011
OH MY GAWD! Its actually been a year? lolz, im just so damn glad you updated! I was a little scared about that scene in the lake with Yuna coz it took me a while before i remembered they kissed there but you managed to pull it off is just too damn adorable, especially that little hug cene with Auron! Can't wait for more..*ahem*on Auron's part at least
RuneNeko chapter 18 . 3/10/2011
Another awesome chapter and best of all, not too many mistakes! x3 I know what its like not being able to finish a chapter for whatever reason, so good luck for the next chapter! I hope it doesn't take as long! xD
hilariaxd chapter 18 . 3/9/2011
I am so happy you updated! Your writing is wonderful as usual. This is hands down my favorite FFX fic. :D

Take your time writing if you need to: it's definitely worth the wait.
YouAStupidHoe69 chapter 18 . 3/9/2011
Yes! Finally, a new chapter! I cannot wait to see what happens next!

And don't worry. I can never stay mad at Yuna for long. :)
PandaGaaraInsomniac9 chapter 18 . 3/9/2011
Yay! New chapter! :) great one, too! Finally Yuna redeemed herself completely and the last scene with Auron and Tidus hugging was so cute and heartwarming 3

I hope you update soon... Or like, within a few months xD
Riaries chapter 18 . 3/9/2011
Its been so long since you updated, I was just excited to read it! I'm glad that Tidus got something out, its a start considering it was to Yuna he spoke to. Still don't like her too much in this story but whatever.
Shironami chapter 18 . 3/9/2011
yay! updates! lol, glad you posted another chapter, you're a far better author than I. lol, I've got so many stories I keep telling myself I'll finish.

I like that it was a long chapter, and I loved the scene with yuna and tidus... very cute!
Huredhiel chapter 18 . 3/9/2011
Lol hun its fine, take how ever long you need to update. I'm in no rush. I did enjoy it though, mistakes and all. Until next time hun, :D
Sakura Camui chapter 18 . 3/9/2011
You have just made my day. xD Literally. SLDKFJKLDSF I love your writing sososososo much. Thank you so much for updaaating. You make me a very happy fangirl. xD

I'm sorry I don't have more coherent thoughts than that. XD
sweetkakes35 chapter 18 . 3/9/2011
an update, yay! ah, i love those little meaningful moments you have between Tidus and Auron like the hug at the end. Pretty good for not much editing too; i don't think i can say i found any grammar or spelling typos so props to you. can't wait for the next chapter! when will Tidus finally talk?
Cuzosu chapter 18 . 3/9/2011
Ahw, now that was a lovely ending...

I can't say I like the time it took for you to update, but I know lack of motivation tends to be a factor in all writers' works being delayed. Mine among them, lol.

So, no hard feelings, even though I really do adore this fic and want to read more. :)

I like how you take actual scenes from the game and mix and twist things to suit your fic, and this is my favorite FFX fic, lol, even as dark as it is. Maybe because it's as dark as it is.

Granted, I've seen darker...and for that matter, one of my bros and I come up with worse randomly (especially when we're feeling morbid or just plain obnoxious, lol), so the darkness of the fic doesn't bother me a bit. Honestly, I think my family history bothers me more. XD That's probably not a good thing, but it does mean I don't squick at much.

The question is, how long will it take for them to get together now? And will Rikku feel the need to give them a little push in the right direction? ;)

May the words just flow,

Morningstar Glory chapter 18 . 3/9/2011
I don't think I've ever left a review for this story, though I've been reading it since the beginning (I'm a bit of a lurker, I guess.) but I wanted to tell you how happy it made me to see you had updated. I had actually just checked this story yesterday and was bummed it hadn't been updated in so long because I was worried it had been abandoned. This chapter came at a perfect time.

And this chapter was absolutely lovely and I thought the scene between Tidus and Yuna was beautiful. I had been wondering how you were going to handle the pond scene and I'm so glad you didn't just toss it out. Fantastic job!
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