Reviews for Maximum Ride The Ultimate Ride
Cheese chapter 13 . 6/2/2010
Taht wasnt much of an ending u never said what happend to sophia and wolf sept the baby got taken out
NexusNebulous chapter 2 . 5/11/2010
I already know what's gonna happen. It's a total pervert cliche. No offense or anything, but it's true. Actually, when I just read the title, I told myself I wasn't gonna read it. But I did. I'm kicking myself for it, but I did, and It's better than other perv cliche's I've read. Although, I'd tone down the descriptiveness for the sake of younger people who might read this. Like me- I don't have a major problem with it, but just because I pretty much go to a pervert school. That's some innocence I'll never get back.
NexusNebulous chapter 1 . 5/11/2010
Well you got right to the point.
maximum ride fan chapter 13 . 4/24/2010
that was so cool! :)
Masked Player chapter 1 . 4/9/2010
Wow, that was so like Max and Fang. I love Fang and he was awesome!
Ashersbabe20 chapter 1 . 4/9/2010
I loved it I'm a big Max and Fang fan... This was an awesome story James Patterson couldn't have done it better
the strange child chapter 6 . 3/28/2010
call me a pervert but this is one of my fav maxfang stories. Both of them are a little out of character...but that's o.k thats what fanfiction is about.
Za Bakonist chapter 1 . 3/6/2010
OMG! this is porn, i tell u! ive been scarred for life!(not like i wasnt already, my friend texts me sic
MarisaKat chapter 6 . 1/30/2010
Umm...its okay. It TOTALY messes with Max's true character. Shes supposed to be tough, not weak and give in. JEB IS NOT THE VOICE! SHEESH!
FANGSTER chapter 1 . 12/13/2009
is sexily a word?
iggylove243 chapter 1 . 11/12/2009
oh man! that was great i just wish it was me and iggy instead of max and fang

P.S. PLZ PLZ! make a story like that with iggy! i beg u!
WinterSky101 chapter 1 . 10/17/2009
And you know how Max feels HOW?

And you wonder why teen pregnancies are so high.
jongley12 chapter 13 . 10/12/2009
very nice story, tho kinda, well, you know what i mean... but really, you're a great writer, so keep writing! (hopefully u were gonna do that anyways, but its always nice to be reminded, yes?)
HATES.ALL.GUYS chapter 13 . 8/31/2009
WONDERFUL! I LOve it! Please Hury and review!
bluekiwi95 chapter 8 . 8/30/2009
.GOD. THIS STORY IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! UGH! no offense... sorry about not being my nicest but ok i have LOTS of things that are really tearing up my head right now.

-ahem. the voice is NOT JEB.

-max is supposed to be sarcastic and leadery and ya know, maxish! not giggly and stupid etc.

-fang doesnt make all the comments in the flock. everybody ELSE does. he also doesnt smile/giggle/laugh/talk every 5 seconds. he's the strong-and-silent type. GOD. have u READ these books?

-there are SO many obvious parts in this story where u make the flock asking dumb questions when they should be smart enough to know the answers. like when gazzy says "why did he call her that?" (i forgot the name sorry but it was when tyler was talking to the female joker at his house) and i was like OMG. DUH. CUZ ITS HER NAME. uh huh and like when max asks her voice "whats going on?" when liek all the erasers come pin her and fang to the ground and inject her with something. omg its so OBVIOUS cuz hte dya BEFORE the same exact thing happened except they injected fang with the hormone juice (or w/e u wanna call it). now its happening to max. IT IS SO OBVIOUS!

-oh god this story is so happy-go-lucky and stupid. there are certain points that really... ok the flock has to act like the flock. this point is mainly about trust. the flock would NOT have trusted ty that easily and followed him to his home that easily. ALSO, when ty put the beat up drew in his house, hte flock wouldve been cautious and suspicious and a little against putting drew there. cuz ya know, he's EVIL. uh huh. etc.

-oh my god. oh my god. that spy guy? wow. he was so not obviously a spy. typical spy-like behavior is NOT wearing a trench coat and sunglasses. why? b/c every normal person, let alone spy, knows htats exactly how u spot a really stupid spy. spies are supposed to act like theyre not spies. correct? duh. so that peopel wont figure them out. he shouldve looked like a normal person. he shouldve NOT been staring at them (wow. very stealthy.)

ok so i think theres more im forgetting but yeah. im sorry. i didnt really have anything nice in there but life is hard. please, make hte flock act like the flock. otherwise theres no point in writing the story. you know i havent logged into fanfiction in FOREVER b/c i have a habit of making an account and never going on it again, but soemtimes i come on to read stories, and i logged in just to review urs. b/'c it was driving me crazy. feel special.
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