Reviews for The Best Revenge
Corwalch chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
I like what you have written so far. Well thought out and Snape is not nearly so crabby. I've always wondered and I totally ignore books 6 and 7 just how much of Snape's behaviour was stirred up by Dumbles. The sterotypes he kept for over 50 years and there had to be a reason.
Dragon's Pen chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
Great first chapter. Can't wait for the next
Jalen Strix chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
I'm so delighted to see a new Harry Potter story of yours! The way you depict Snape is always a treat, and I'm very much enjoying the silent debates he's having with himself already. [grin]
duj chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
Welcome back. Subtly AU in various places: for instance, canonSnape would not be ruminating on what other career he might have chosen if he had money, because his reason for being at Hogwarts is as much about helping Dumbledore protect Harry as about making a living. He'd be more likely to ruminate on the difference it would have made to the choices/events that led up to feeling the need to protect Harry.

I have confidence in your skills and I'm looking forward to how you develop the story.
trekker2002 chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
This looks good. Thanks for an interesting start, I like the widening of Dumbledore's lack of concern to include other children. He is a very 19th Century Headmaster.
Six of Twelve chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
Glad to see you finally posting this fine story!

You excellently portray a Dumbledore who adroitly straddles the line between manipulative and dotty.

I also especially enjoyed the description of Minerva and the letter-sending process. I can imagine it going just like this.

Your characterization of Hagrid is spot-on as well; biased and clueless all at once.

A fine beginning to what will be a fine story.
cleofinecat chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
A great start. Thank you.

Oregonbird chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
Malevolent!Dumbledore. Exactly how I've always viewed the character. And I like the internal logic of Snape - very IC. My only fear is that it will be story-as-usual - a rushed, by the numbers retelling of fan canon. You write well... but I await the plot!
AngelQueen chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
Ooh, this sounds interesting! Snape-mentoring-Harry fics always have potential, and it's always even more delightful to see how a very talented writer takes it. I'm hooked! :)
mumimeanjudy chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
A VERY interesting start. Snape can certainly help Harry avoid Dumbledore's machinations, as he as ably demonstrated in this chapter that he can well recognize them. I hope you will continue (and complete?) this story.
excessivelyperky chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
Ah, yes-in many ways Snape is the very last person Albus could want to see how Harry Potter _really_ lives, especially if he knows what the Dursleys are doing to the boy and wants Hogwarts to prove a contrast-the old "Lost Prince" scam. And the last thing Albus wants is an alliance between Snape and Minerva where it comes to the boy being raised like a pig to slaughter.

Looking forward to developments. (also recommend kbinz "Harry's New Home", it's very good).
Laurenke1 chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
Severus will be in for a surprise, I know that for sure.

I would like to see the next scene. It is very interesting

thanks for sharing
mwk chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
An extremely promising start!
Carojen chapter 1 . 3/9/2009
For once there is an explanation and some backstory for why Snape would fetch Harry. Good story this far, everyone seem to be in character and I really like how Snape thinks.

First review?
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