Reviews for Worrymen
Blaze Zion chapter 1 . 4/24/2021
These are the type of stories I love to read. I hope I can see your work in NovelStar. There are also a lot of talented writers in that platform. You may check their group on Facebook.
Ersatz Einstein chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
You really need a beta to edit this. You're spelling by pronunciation, not meaning (which is why "taught" is wrong), and it's really noticeable (especially with "gang-green," which isn't a real phrase. You want "gangrene," a form of infection).
Arinia chapter 6 . 8/21/2011
This was simply amazing. First, I'm glad this was a friendship because I can't see Dan and Rorschach ever becoming lovers. The characterisations were spot on, the writing was damn near flawless, and the plot, though simple, was engorssing. I adored it.
Golumfryingeggs chapter 6 . 8/26/2010
Well done!

We Fanfiction writers have a tendency to go completely overboard with our reviews and sometimes it is the small honest comments that mean the most to us;

So to you, I say, a job well done, because though it deserves far more praise the words fit too perfectly.

Well Done! And hope to see more!

Yours isanely

Battosailover5 chapter 6 . 9/5/2009
I loved your story, but it was so sad!
crapfest chapter 6 . 6/14/2009

erm anyways...I really liked this fic The only thing that really upset me was...well...the ending of course but...

anyways, this is probably one of the most in character stories about rorschach.

Oh, and also

"Rorschach sat on the edge of the bed, to slip his shoes on, but also to roll the hem of the pinstriped pants up several inches."

I don;t know why, but reading that made me lol at rorschachs shortness. XD
creativesm75 chapter 6 . 4/17/2009
Zoe Napalm chapter 6 . 4/5/2009
You know, it really saddens me that we don't get to see more R/NO pre-Watchmen and I think this fic does great justice to a period of time that we readers missed. I love how you depict both characters, you do a stunning job and your writing style leaves one wanting more! I really do hope you come out with a new story soon! Even though I love reading this one over and over, I can't wait to get the chance to read a new masterpiece. Thanks for putting a great story out there, i love it!
Celeste38 chapter 6 . 3/22/2009
Excellent job with this fic, like how you tie it in with the beginning of the movie/GN.
CiyFox chapter 6 . 3/21/2009
This is was very sweet fic. I love how you kept Rorschach and Daniel in character.
Viviane Renard chapter 6 . 3/20/2009
That's just like Rorschach, an alley cat that comes and goes as he pleases.
quantuminferno chapter 6 . 3/20/2009
*Baw* T-T

Not this ending. Not this!

okay, that's out of my system now (not really). Great fic. I like your writing and Dan's mothering. Sad to see it end though. Hope that you write more.
Lizella chapter 6 . 3/20/2009
oh no its over...fantastic story, really enjoyed it
Cinnamin-chan chapter 6 . 3/19/2009
Heh. I love how whenever Daniel stands up for himself, he ends up apologizing for it two seconds later. This story was really sweet in a way. I love stories with mother-hen characters.
Baby Biscuit chapter 6 . 3/19/2009
Yay! An update!

But boo! It's done!

It was fun while it lasted.

I enjoyed every minute of this story. You have captured the strained relationship between Dan and Rorschach very very well. Loved it.

Thank you very very much :D
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