Reviews for Unraveled Knot
acw1 chapter 32 . 1/1
Great story
Guest chapter 3 . 2/12/2024
Love it
Guest chapter 20 . 8/25/2022
Bella was wrong on soooo many levels. But honestly…should Edward be shocked? That’s all she’s ever done is run away.
Pattigirl23 chapter 1 . 1/3/2022
Wow! This story was really amazing, I loved everything, really really everything and everyone... Your writing is fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing.
DMBSJB18 chapter 11 . 11/28/2021
He has to realize how terrible it was that he literally had sex with Hannah and then went and kissed Bella and slept in her bed. Like. That’s terrible.
MsLiss chapter 30 . 6/13/2021
Thank you
madelinecoffee chapter 32 . 9/7/2019
I just found this story and I adore it. I loved how you used italics to switch their points of view and I love the concept and juste everything about it is lovely. Thank you for sharing it with the world.
Guest chapter 17 . 2/6/2019
I think edward is a douche
MiccaF chapter 32 . 5/17/2018
Excellent from beginning to end! Loved it
clickpic chapter 29 . 8/3/2017
I so loved this chapter... tears in my eyes!
clickpic chapter 22 . 7/19/2017
This was an awesome chapter. Glad Izzy finally talked w her mom.
clickpic chapter 13 . 7/15/2017
clickpic chapter 6 . 7/14/2017
Finally! Good job, Edward!
EVK70 chapter 32 . 2/10/2017
Thank you :)
EVK70 chapter 31 . 2/10/2017
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