Reviews for Visited by a Doctor
Sharmar chapter 2 . 3/23/2009
I am loving your story. I do have a request, please please let the Dursley's get an earful from Donna Noble. :)
Wonderbee31 chapter 2 . 3/23/2009
Agreed, the Dalek Invasion was a good jumping point, and really liked this visit, but it seems like the Dursley's are so thick that I could have almost imagined the Doctor using violence against them at one point when he saw the locks. I guess that bugs me a lot, that the Dursley's were so obviously hateful, and yet no one questioned it? Sounds like those wards may have been more than just to protect Harry. Can't wait for the next visit, and will you be going with the Doctors in order, or out of sync?
Arthorius chapter 2 . 3/22/2009
Am sort of confused here, from reading your other story, Harry does not like the Doctor. Is this part of the same universe or different? Seems to me that you have the doctor supporting dumbles putting him into a child abusing environment.
fraewyn chapter 2 . 3/22/2009
Cant wait for the next!
AlixMM chapter 2 . 3/22/2009
Nice chapter. I loved that they managed ti visit Harry on his 10th birthday. Kind of a little present to him. It was cool that they told him about their travels and a the TARDIS. I look forward to reading more.

thx for posting
Quetzalcoatls chapter 2 . 3/22/2009
ah very good chapter! update soon!
Quetzalcoatls chapter 1 . 3/20/2009
oh great story so far! cant wait to see harmonie most likely get chewed out over the time turnner insedent! update soon!
AlixMM chapter 1 . 3/20/2009
This was very interesting. I like Dr who so it is nice to see a crossover with HP. I like how you are having all the different Doctors visit Harry. This should be really good

thx for posting
peppymint chapter 1 . 3/15/2009
I can't wait to see what happens next. I hope the Doctor explains a few things to Harry later. Way too many people keep him in the dark.
Sam74au chapter 1 . 3/15/2009
oh love the start of this, with all the doctors having an impact on Harrys life it should be interesting. However you might want to space them out a bit to get longevity in the story. I look forward to seeing how you convey the personality of each on. Great start :)
acer-sigma chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
"he was left with was a card, with a question mark on it, and a name, his name."

Sounds like the Doctor had a visit from his seventh incarnation.
Wonderbee31 chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
Yes! Glad to see this here, and really liked your characterization of Ian and Barbara, as well as the role Susan played, and the Doctor and his own interference in his life. Can't wait to see what that might mean in this AU for Harry and his friendships, and that if Albus ever meets the Doctor and tries to manipulate him, that he learns that the lonely god is the true master of manipulation, as he done it for more than 900 years.
bjon66 chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
Great start to what i know will be a great story... My fix came Till the next one..
fraewyn chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
Cant wait for more!
Jondar chapter 1 . 3/14/2009
Wonderful start! When I read at the end of "The Prometheus Encounter" that you were writing this story, my first thoughts were how each Doctor would interact with Harry.

On thinking of the first Doctor, I speculated that Susan and Harry would probably get along well if they were the same age. Alas, that didn't quite happen, but it was a nice surprise what did!

It had completely slipped my mind that Ian and Barbara were teachers and could've "filled in" at Harry's primary school.

Other things I liked were the references to the hermit, and the Doctor's "calling card".

There were a few mis-spellings (check for Barbara), but it didn't really detract from what is a very nice way to start this off, and I eagerly await your plans for the future encounters in future chapters. Well done!

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