Reviews for Free Life
Incantations7 chapter 1 . 12/14/2024
If this story was finished, Id read it, but I can’t stand reading unfinished works because they’re such a letdown…
PrincessScheherazade chapter 6 . 9/24/2024
This is a great story - I love the characterisation and how you've not overpowered Harry like some other writers of wandless Harry fanfiction do. He's highly skilled but not on the level of Dumbledore or Voldemort quite yet, or even to the point of waltzing through fights unscathed, which feels much more realistic than if he'd just effortlessly breezed through everything. It's been 13 years since the last update, which I imagine means you don't intend to continue this, but I thought I'd send you my appreciation of your work already done.
odonnellzoo99 chapter 6 . 8/1/2024
Matt, I read your profile update, so I don't hold out much hope for this being completed. However, I'll be extremely happy if you end up going back to it.
I hope you are enjoying writing again.
Nirmal chapter 1 . 2/29/2024
Why is he still using stunners? Why not use lethal spells. It’s been what 7 or 8 encounters now but Harry hast learnt that stunners doesn’t work. Thay just Portkey back and come back to fight next day. How many times did he stunned and bound Lucius so far?
ressmania chapter 6 . 2/23/2024
OMG uri wonwon grown up huhu
ressmania chapter 6 . 2/23/2024
Lah Harry tau dari nama nama Voldy itu Tom? Kan ga pernah lesson soal Horcrux sama Dumbledore ga sih?
ressmania chapter 2 . 2/23/2024
Apa susah nya elah kerjasama aja woy ama suheri. Kakek Albus nih ye ampun
Siler wolf chapter 6 . 1/19/2024
Hey there,

I have been waiting for years for an update, but I finally decided it was a lost cause and logged the story as abandoned. :(

Now to my comments.

I have noticed that, in most Harry Potter stories (and most others, come to think of it), authors do not seem to understand the difference between a policing situation and a war situation. Let me explain.

A policing action tries to arrest and mitigate loss of life, or bodily harm. That is what you and just about everyone do.

A war situation is radically different. In those circumstances, you should see a kill-on-sight attitude. You take prisoners, yes, but only if they surrender or are incapacitated. During a battle, you shoot to kill.

The main reason why, in the world of Harry Potter (including the original books) governments fail at their task, is that they ask of police officers the actions of soldiers. Voldemort almost wins the first war because his minions act as soldiers, while Aurors act as policemen. They repeat the same mistake in the second rise and the second war, this time falling to a much better organized and disciplined organization.

Regrettably, Harry does not realize that his scruples cause deaths far more than any action he takes. Harry, like everyone else (including Dumbledore) refuses to see what happens for what it is: war. Avada Kadavra taints the soul is the idea of a staunch pacifist. In reality, it no more taints the soul than does a bullet fired at an enemy. It kills, and so does the bullet. To think you can win a war without imposing casualties on the enemy is like pulling the rabbit out of the Magician's hat. The goal of war is to win with minimal casualties on your side, and, within reason, more casualties on the opposing side.

Strangely, children are great soldiers as they are generally unaware of the finality of death. It is the main reason children are used as shock troops in many wars in Africa today. It was common in Viet Nam as well. Ask veterans of that war. That it hurts their soul is a given, but so does their inability to protect themselves and those they love. Children in a war must be taught how to fight so they have something to hang on to.

How do I know this? I was one such child. My first kill was at 9 years old, with a 3-inch blade, cornered in a civil war, much like Potter is. I could probably fill an Olympic swimming pool with the blood I spilled over the seven years I spent there. Yes, sleep is, sometimes, difficult, but I did what was needed to protect myself and my loved ones. Strangely, it is not those I killed that keep haunting me, it is those I could not save, who were kids themselves but had not been brought to speed by their parents and thus joined them in the cold earth. You can not be more intimate with death than that.
wiebenor chapter 6 . 12/4/2023
Normally, I'd say something about how good the story is, but considering the fact that the author implied a wait time for chapters, of around a year and it's been over 10 years since the last update, I'm just going to say that, while this has potential, it's diminished over time to such a point that I have to wonder if the author that "would never abandon the story" is even still alive... just saying...

Also, if the author IS still alive, I'd recommend either updating or removing your website links from the story, as when I manually entered the website name I got a 403 error signifying that for whatever reason, I was "denied access to the server".

Will follow this story just in case
Jbrowne26 chapter 5 . 10/26/2023
Still hoping that someday you may find your way back and continue on with the story. I look forward to knowing who you see Ron becoming, and what happened with Malfoy, and if Hermione ever learns.
SupermanSoul chapter 6 . 10/4/2023
I started from the Prequel and found the sequel here with a note saying its discontinued and stuff. I normally would've dropped it then and there, but could not be due to curiosity. I LOVED IT! I know it's not completed, but this last chapter kind of leaves me SATISFIED and satiated.

THANK YOU FOR READ! hope all goes well with the rest of your work.
denebtenoh chapter 4 . 7/4/2023
ooohhhh dear friend! this is the most amazing story ever told. The strongest, most determined coming-of-age story Ive ever read. Really Harry is way beyond maturity.

Thank you for answering all the incredibly stupid questions the books created for us, and conveniently never answered. Thank you so much for this journey, even when Im traveling way too late.
denebtenoh chapter 2 . 7/3/2023
Its just amazing! Im sooooo happy you continued the story in a new fic! Im supper thrilled with it, especially because the mood is a lot more mature, a lot more dangerous. Thank you so much for your effort!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/16/2023
Just finished reading this story.

It's excellent. I like how you got the 2 parties to join forces to take on the dark side.

Man, it's been 13 years since the last chapter. Are you going to finish the story? Is the story complete? Are you dead?
quincybones chapter 6 . 4/8/2023
Wonderful story. I do hope it continues but it does seem to stop on a good note.
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