Reviews for The Acclimation Diaries
Guest chapter 3 . 11/20/2021
I love the brother syster dynamic here.. she's helpful but totally blackmailing him lol
Ajfflady chapter 21 . 6/9/2021
Not sure how I came to find this fic but I’m so glad I did. It still entertains 12 years later. Peace.
Guest chapter 15 . 6/17/2020
I actually love this story! I usually don’t read entire stories but this one was funny, interesting, romantic, and crazy hot all at the same time!
anytito chapter 21 . 7/16/2018
Te felicito, ame este Fic. Eres maravillosa escribiendo.
Lillywhite1 chapter 21 . 2/6/2018
Thanks for writing this wonderful story!
rebekah chapter 21 . 1/4/2017
so great. thank you.
great in character writing! chapter 20 . 5/15/2016
I love your Edward, one of my favorites yet, your Bella is the best I've read. She's not the stubborn B2tch, or the Snaky "C" word I hate even more, nor is she the immature little girl some try to make her seam, and no Jacob KUDOS. Best Bella Ever! Great story, great concept-done hot but tactful and lovingly.
Guest chapter 21 . 7/14/2015
That was a beautiful story! :'(
I loved the ending, it made my heart flutter! :)
PERFECT! 15/10 100%
ChristyWIX chapter 21 . 4/8/2015
Send a warning out of you're going to give us a pilot Emmett . . . holy crap . . . *fans self*. Loved that they chose the guest bedroom . . . I wouldn't want to be reminded, for eternity, of that happening in my bedroom either. Loved that Rosalie hugged Bella and said lovely things right before. Loved even more what she said to Edward internally. *happy claps* you made her appear to be acclimated already . . . with the way she took down the bear and did exactly what she'd been shown minutes before. Instead of destroying it. Then you gave us a final, beautiful, lemon. Thank you, this story was just fantastic and I loved each and every minute of it. On to read the rest of your library . . . you are delightful to read. -Christy
ChristyWIX chapter 20 . 4/8/2015
You've got these lemons wrapped up in so much love and romance, it is really a beautiful thing to read. The love these two harbor for one another is dreamy. The eroticism of the fondue and him feeding her . . . then her eating eat . . . so delicious. Then moving to the piano and him playing . . . their loss of words and reduction of sounds . . . just magical. Swoon. I've forgotten to mention your Treatward's at the end of each chapter . . . they've been quite fun to read. Some of them down right fantasy worthy. Yum!
ChristyWIX chapter 19 . 4/8/2015
The talk with Carlisle went well . . . super glad that Edward didn't share Alice's vision with the two of them . . . just let them know it was bad. Her transformation in the books was one of the things I loved most in the books. Because she wasn't shocked into that life, as the rest of them were, she acclimated beyond beautifully. Already having the knowledge of what to expect and what to eat, what not to eat. She had an amazing advantage. Hoping you do that here as well, yet understand if you don't. Loved them in the meadow. So sexy. So much lemony goodness. The picture taking was a really great idea. Capturing their moment that way. Beautiful.
ChristyWIX chapter 18 . 4/8/2015
That was absolutely adorable that Jasper couldn't wait for them to get home, to soak up and bask in their happiness. Loved that. Love all of these characters, actually. Rose and Emmett's gift was very thoughtful and definitely useful. Emmett making all of those breakfast options was truly giggle worthy! The lemon in this one was perfect. Edward had wanted that since that first night he got his fingers in her. It was a perfect tribute to the perv couch. I hadn't realized that BxE hadn't discussed that he decided to change her. Loved her reaction and his decisive thinking behind it was wonderful.
ChristyWIX chapter 17 . 4/8/2015
Fun in the sun and the shade. These two are truly perfect for one anther. I've really enjoyed this story. All the little outfits she brought in her special suitcase was fantastic. Saving the only one she picked out herself, specifically for him, for their last night was spot on! His reaction was exactly what you'd want in that situation . . . perfect. Loved it. The part about the trees was funny. Her observation of him being a sentimental, pack ratter was really funny. You have magic in your fingers!
ChristyWIX chapter 16 . 4/8/2015
I'd like to go to that Island . . . don't care that it isn't real . . . it should be. This was super sexy and very yummy. The pillow and the tree . . . very good stuff there. I'm thinking that the both of them will want to speed up her transformation, so they can really get down and dirty . . . with two of them taking trees down, instead of Edward channeling that energy away. So good.
ChristyWIX chapter 15 . 4/8/2015
What an utterly fantastic idea of the lagoon. It sounded so completely beautiful. What woman wouldn't want to be whisked away to a magical place like that? Loved that all the men worked to get the place just perfect for the two of them Emmett going back later to turn everything on for them. I hope that while BxE are on their honeymoon, that the other couples can have their own time at the lagoon. Really romantic chapter. Their first time was as perfect as it could be for them and his bloodlust. At least with all of their practicing, they were quite used to the water activities. On their honeymoon, they can experience each other in a bed . . . or the floor . . . the kitchen countertop . . . the wall . . . in a tree . . . on the beach . . .
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