Reviews for C'est la Vie
Cindy M 19 chapter 24 . 12/6/2024
Aww, I hope Valerie find happiness with Tucker, and say sorry to Sam... cause, Valerie was really out for blood, Elle and Sarah ended up chilling out... I wonder if there is a Dark Danny future version *wink-wink*
Cindy M 19 chapter 23 . 12/6/2024
Well, at least Danny can say he knew he did told Sam and was just waiting for her to remember, since if he told her now an enemy would attack/target her, and holy molly, I can't wait the reaction of the family knowing Sam's pregnant~ w
Cindy M 19 chapter 21 . 12/6/2024
Sam may not have the ghost hunting training like in the show, but no one mess with Sam's family XD The 'hitting Plasmius in the shoulder', is nice.
Nathem chapter 23 . 9/24/2024
Hi im sorry for asking even tho youve been ok hiatuss somehow im hoping youll see this butplease what happened to your other fics
MammaMia0977 chapter 24 . 1/21/2024
I come back time and time again to read this fic, one of my top favorites! So excited to see there was an updatef chapter I SCREAMED. Lmao at Gran being on TikTok cause of course she would! Cant wait to see whats next!
Prismet chapter 24 . 11/28/2023
It was so wonderful to come back and see that this old favourite of mine got an update! Thank you for the great read 3
Alice chapter 24 . 10/25/2023
I haven't read it yet, but I am beyond excited for this new chapter! I'm one of the girlies who started reading this in high school and am now an adult. I just randomly decided to take a look and see if this has been updated since I last looked, and the sheer joy I had at reading your note before the chapter! Guys, this is so awesome! Thank You, Author!
MsFrizzle chapter 24 . 9/22/2023
I've been working on catching with reading a few years of backlogged fanfic and re-encountered this story. Usually this type of romantic story is not my cup of tea but there is something compelling about your writing. Perhaps it is the way you show that even with the complicated turmoil of a fairly dysfunctional family, there is love. In their own imperfect and sometimes messy way, they are learning to support each other.

I have to admit that it was very nice to see hope and reconciliation come from the chaos. So many stories seem to feature cutting off relationships and going non-communication, but you have the characters actually stick it out and try to pick up the pieces of their lives and make it work.

On another note, this story also gives me some hope for long neglected and unfinished stories - my own included - that may be revisited after so much time and changes that have gone on in our own lives.
Nathem chapter 22 . 8/29/2023
I hope they all get to watch Barbie (Margot Robbie) together
Nathem chapter 18 . 8/29/2023
omg Lynneu didn't find it funny when u found out u were only half a manson
SamXDanny chapter 24 . 7/1/2023
AAAAAA! YOU UPDATED! So, here’s something funny. I’ve actually been rereading this fanfic since April! Right before you updated. No matter if I knew this might be a dead fanfic, this fic is too good to not reread. I love it so much and missed reading it, so I decided to give it a reread. Though, it’s been taking me so long because I was going through my last semester in college and working on finals and everything, so I haven’t been able to take the time and read it. But recently I have - and the other day I was reading chapter 15 and I scrolled up and saw that the fic updated on April 25th… I literally freaked out and got so excited! I had no idea it updated through the months I’ve been reading it haha! I went through chapter 15-23 so fast to get to this chapter LOL. I never got notified even though I thought I’ve followed this story? But omg it just made me so happy that you updated bc like I said before, this is everything I’ve wanted in a DP fanfic and more. When I reread it, I fell in love with it all over again and everything I expressed in my last review is the same, if not even more! The last chapter left on a huge cliffhanger and I always hoped for more, and you definitely delivered with this one! It was so entertaining to see Adam appear again and poke at Danny’s jealousy. Having Danny reunite with Dash and then making amends was great! I wonder when Sam is going to figure out what’s really going on with Danny - it’s sad that she thinks her being pregnant is the reason why he’s stressed when that’s not the case at all lol - your life is at stake girl! Also I’m interested in what’s going on between Danny & Tucker and how they’re going to handle the Valerie situation. I’m just so excited to read more in general! I’m so happy to hear you fell in love with the story again too and it makes me happy that you’re back! I can’t wait for your next update! (Hopefully it’ll notify me this time lol!)
BGuate224 chapter 24 . 5/30/2023
Oh wow. Oh wow, wow, wow. First, can we talk about how I didn’t even get a notification for this update? I randomly went on FF to look at something and noticed this updated! So, obviously, I had to reread the whole story before reading this chapter. And boy was it a fun ride. The Danny vs Vlad scene still played as vividly in my head as the first time I read it. I’m anxiously waiting the day Danny’s secret is revealed… after all, it looks like all the secrets are being spilled now.

I haven’t touched the phandom in a while but I will always, always come back for this story. I remember stumbling on it all those years ago, the excitement over the 2019 updates, and I’m excited again! My goodness I had almost forgot about Sam’s imaginative mind. Her thoughts about visiting Danny in jail with their baby had me in stitches. It’s so beautiful how you were able to fall in love with your characters all over again. I hope we get to see more! I’m super curious to see if we’ll see some more unintended “double-dates” in the future. Will Sam be stuck with Valerie as a dinner companion soon? Oh, maybe the red huntress will make an appearance too. There’s so much left to explore in this universe and I hope to see all you have to offer.

Quick thing, I’m not sure which chapter it is, but in my reread I saw that Pam was described as an only child previously.

Oh and congrats on your marriage!
Squish9 chapter 24 . 5/24/2023
Y'know, I never anticipated this story ever getting finished, though I had it saved in my favorites anyways. Every once in awhile I come back to re-read it as I find this to be one of my absolute favorite Danny Phantom fics, and though I was always saddened by the knowledge it was dead, I still loved what was here enough to keep coming back. Imagine my surprise when it had unexpectedly updated the month prior! Life got in the way of my own fic writing, and I put a whole bunch of my own fics on hold too. But y'know what? You've inspired me. If you can bring a fic back from the dead, I can too. Here's to the both of us exciting new and old viewers alike with the stories we craft!
kbzone chapter 24 . 5/16/2023
Had followed this story after it seemed like maybe it wouldn’t be finished, and I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’ll be reviving and I’ll be able to follow along in real-time! I love this story. The humor and dialogue? Brilliant. Also, I’m not typically one for original characters, but Lynne is a true gem. Can’t wait for more Manson family drama and to see how Danny handles the Vlad situation, especially with baby Phantom on the way. And speaking of baby Phantom, I’ll just be patiently waiting for that reveal bomb to finally drop. *sips tea Kermit style* Ta-ta for now
LifeOfRed chapter 24 . 5/14/2023
Woah, major nostalgia. I loved this story from the time only the first, 10 I guess? chapters had been out and loved it so much for the fun family dynamics, Lynn, Sam and Danny having such a funny start to their relationship, Lynn, the character dynamics with one another especially Sam and her mom giving me the hoots, Lynn. (Seriously that frantic car ride where Sam's mom was driving like a crazy person with Sam holding on for dear life is still fresh in my memory, it was THAT good!)

It was jam packed with so much that it's ingrained in that child's brain I had back when I was 14 and KeyBella had written so many wonderful DP fanfics. Now I'm 25, rewatching DP for the thousandth time cause it still holds the most dearest place in my heart and sometimes sifting through old fanfics I used to love from authors I used to love.

I did not expect this update. It's a wild ride for sure. So glad you came back just for the love of it and sending congrats and salutations you way cause you're stories have been one of early ones that made the entire DP experience even more enjoyable.
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