Reviews for Ithaca is Gorges
EndlessGloaming chapter 19 . 11/7/2024
Wow, that was amazing.

I've read a few versions of how things went for the Cullens during New Moon, and this one went differently, which I appreciate - particularly how Edward stayed with his family until he hit a low point, and only then got moving with purpose with the fear of Victoria.

I'd also never seen Carlisle's perspective on it, and it's really touching, which only makes sense. I've seen a lot of knocks that Edward is the golden child, and yeah, he is, but he was the first companion Carlisle had after two centuries of loneliness, so no wonder he would occupy a special place is Carlisle's heart. The OC of Tony was a brilliant and surprisingly impactful addition.

That had amazing emotional depth all around.
Guest chapter 19 . 5/2/2024
I love this pic, its simply written so gorgeously- but im so much like Rose because oh my god you captured how fucking ANNOYING Edward is like holy shit if I could smack that guy in the face I would and pay
scharask chapter 1 . 3/13/2024
I've read this more times than I can count and always come back to it - such a heartbreakingly beautiful story. It is one of the first fanfics I read and will always be one of the most memorable - a forever favorite.
mariafivi1 chapter 19 . 2/17/2024
This story made me appreciate ENORMOUSLY Carlisle and his relationship with Edward. Enormously. Words cannot explain how much their relationship touched my heart. Thank you so much for sharing, this became an instant favorite. Have a nice weekend!
mariafivi1 chapter 4 . 2/17/2024
I usually leave a huge comment when I finish reading a story, but the way you wrote the relationship between Carlisle and Edward has me crying like a baby, author. I absolutely love it.
WonderlandCraz chapter 1 . 11/23/2023
this was originally written in my birth year. anyways, this is really good so far, author!
Gw2505 chapter 19 . 8/9/2023
I'm amazed at how you managed to delve so deep into these characters. Their relationship, their personal struggles and their dynamic as a family. It truly felt like new moon from the other side. So believable that several times I asked myself if you're not Stephenie Meyer in disguise . Well done, I'll never forget this story and will think of it as canon ;)
GorGirl chapter 1 . 6/8/2023
I've been meaning to read this for years.
MB chapter 19 . 1/8/2023
Hi! I found this story because it was mentioned on a twilight podcast named Another bite of Twilight, and I have to say that I LOVED it! I know you wrote this more than 10 years ago, and you probably won't read this, but it's very hard to find canon fanfics that are so true to the characters, and you have truly made a great work that deserves more recognition! I can't wait to read the rest of your stories. Hope you are ok. Thank you :)
OpheliaBedelia chapter 19 . 10/17/2022
Just read this for the third or fourth time. Someday I might be able to read it without crying multiple times, but today is not that day.
Hooligan chapter 19 . 7/18/2022
Thank you so much for writing this amazing piece. It’s simply brilliant. Your descriptions, feelings, and thoughts of the characters are on point. I honestly felt like I was reading the sequel to ‘Midnight Sun’. Everything seamed to follow cannon, and you thought of just the smallest details to keep in mind. I was always curious what was going on with the Cullens during ‘New Moon’, and this piece of writing satisfied me. The story you wrote was truly very emotional, and I found my self holding back tears many times while reading. You really outlined the fear, stress, and worry that was hanging over their shoulders, and showed how much they were struggling as a family and individual. I appreciate that you wrote it is Carlisle’s perspective as well, opposed to just Edward’s, as I am always looking forward to Carlisle showing up in the books. You also made this story interesting and had me wonder what would happen next. Rather than sticking to exactly what happened and only what we knew, you added parts to give this story life. You have a fabulous way of writing and I appreciate you writing this; something I know I would never have the creativity nor skill to achieve. Well done and thank you!
hellishrose chapter 19 . 7/13/2022
I do hope you are still getting reviews and I must thank you for all the hard work and dedication you put into this truly fabulous story more than 12 years ago. Simple amazing in every way
BethMasenCullen chapter 19 . 6/17/2022
I just reread this beautiful story for the first time in many years. Thank you for putting words to paper about what Edward and Carlisle and the Cullens went through for those dark, awful months in New Moon. I am again blown away by how seamlessly your work would fit into Stephenie Meyers' work. And I am grateful that you chose to share your talent and vision with us. It was perfect!
Crybaby chapter 11 . 6/15/2022
I cried...this was so sad
martha chapter 19 . 5/21/2022
loved every second of this, i don’t ever come on this site for fanfic anymore but i’m so glad i found this and i can’t wait to read more of your work. just wow
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