Reviews for Sacrifice and selflessness
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 11/12/2010
Lucathia Rykatu chapter 1 . 7/19/2009
This was very insightful and touching. I liked seeing Rossiu from Magin's point of view!
Deleted and Gone sorry chapter 1 . 7/7/2009
I'm amazed at how well you were able to present a fic with such deep themes without relying to heavily on description. You were able to portray a past as sad as Rossiu's and still keep a lid on unneeded details. This is very well written. I'm glad to have read this and found someone else who is a fan of Rossiu, like myself.
soralia chapter 1 . 4/21/2009
There is a sad lack of good Rossiu fics on this site and I have to say I found this to be brilliant. Your characterizations were spot on, especially your young Rossiu. The insight you demonstrated is something rarely found in a fic.

Really, I'm having trouble coming up with the words to convey just how much I enjoyed reading this and just how impressed I was by it.

And thank you. You've managed to inspire me to start up writing those Rossiu fics I've been putting off for so long! Please write more.