Reviews for Twilight of Dawn
Judyluv chapter 15 . 7/21/2023
Please tell me there’s more please I love this story and iwould love to finish it
Guest chapter 6 . 6/17/2023
Eww gold digger slut Ginny and back staber jealous asshole money hungry fame seeker ron. Ron a wolf yea right more like a rat like peter
Guest chapter 6 . 6/17/2023
The other people was unnecessary and annoying like Ginny and Ron. I’m fine with just luna, maybe neville, and herminoe.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/24/2023
Ron, loyal? When ? Like bitch what the fuck are you on about. He betrayed Harry two times in the books. If you can't see that, i wish you a short life.
sakurhita chapter 15 . 9/16/2022
I love it, I wait for the next chapter
19Teardrop94 chapter 15 . 10/21/2021
No reviews for this year in this fic (that I know of), so I decided to do a small review... hopefully. It's been years, and idk if you're even on this site anymore, but I wanted to get this off my chest anyway, despite knowing it's been said. Like a small handful of others have stated much earlier, years back, I've liked this story up until Jacob was brought into the picture. Just about all that FaithTrustLove, BlueRubyBeat, Venus914, Reader-anonymous-writer have said are exactly my thoughts on the story, so I'm glad I don't have to say much more than. Like I've said, it's been years and, if you're even still reading reviews, I'm sure you don't want to hear the same repetitive words others have already said.

One thing bugged me, though. Cedric died and all that, but even after all this time since then, Harry has had that sort of unwillingness to find another special someone. Yet he kissed Ginny basically at the end of their schooling, which was even mentioned, and somewhat-not-really tried to get along with her before it fizzled out after Ginny had that talk with Luna (I think?) or whatever happened. Point is, he still tried moving along with her as a possible special someone. Didn't work, obviously, so the whole slow-going with Edward was just annoying in a big way. For the most part just the way you went about it.

And then adding on the supposed passing of 10 years before supposedly coming to Forks (which still didn't make sense at all) and still just not getting over whatever happened in his past to be comfortable being the mate of a vampire or wanting to find a significant other/that special someone? Not buying it.

Before Jacob, I fucking loved the story. I seriously fucking did. I got giddy and giggled and stared with wide eyes for every word. Now I wish I could unread what I read after that point. Disappointing then. Still, thank you for taking time out of your life to write a story that clearly others have loved! If you're even still writing, I hope you've learned more after all these years. If not, I hope life is going well.

inuyasha16451 chapter 15 . 12/19/2020
Omg. Please please come back and update this amazing story soon
wandamarie chapter 15 . 11/10/2020
wow please update when you can thank you
wandamarie chapter 14 . 11/10/2020
wandamarie chapter 13 . 11/10/2020
wow getting good
wandamarie chapter 12 . 11/10/2020
holly tomolly getting good
wandamarie chapter 11 . 11/10/2020
wandamarie chapter 10 . 11/10/2020
getting good thank you
wandamarie chapter 9 . 11/10/2020
wandamarie chapter 8 . 11/10/2020
wow getting good thank you
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