Reviews for George & Annie: an Unofficial Biography
purplewine chapter 62 . 7/24
I never remember much about side original characters, but in this story, I remember ALL of them by heart. They touch me in so many different ways, intricate themselves into the story so seamlessly that you naturally feel like you personally know them; that they are my own personal friends.

I lost count of the amount of times I cried in both joy and grief (in the best way possible) throughout the whole story. I thank my lucky stars that I discovered this book at the most perfect timing ever in my life. I NEEDED to read this book. I hope you know that this book you wrote has helped me tremendously regarding my perspective and outlook towards life and how I want to live it; steer me away from the direction I do not want it to go. Thank you so much for writing this and wherever you are, I hope you are living a very blessed life. xoxo
Sanna Erika chapter 29 . 7/5
This chapter and Chapter 28 had me sobbing. I actually had to stop reading for a good ten minutes because I was crying so hard. This hit way too close to home; I am getting married in exactly one week to the love of my life, and my sweet gran, whom I was so close with, won’t be here to see it. She passed away two years ago, and I feel so lucky that she got to meet and get to know my soon-to-be wife. She passed away in palliative care, on comfort doses of medication. In her last days, she kept drifting in and out of reality, sometimes saying, "I can see Rangar, he is waiting for me to join him. Why is this taking so long?"

She passed surrounded by her children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. I feel blessed that I got to say goodbye, but every day I still think of her. Not a day goes by when I don't.
Taung chapter 62 . 8/11/2023
This is a beautiful story, and deeply moving to read
Gfam89 chapter 62 . 2/28/2023
For anyone looking for a wonderful full story in this magical world, I think this is my favorite ever. I laughed, worried, and cried too many times to count. This story is so amazing, thank you for writing it and sharing it.
eviemaries chapter 1 . 12/15/2022
rereading again for the umpteenth time
Aurorab33 chapter 62 . 9/2/2022
This story was a wonderful read. Excellent writing as well. Thank you for the journey.
6teenana1 chapter 29 . 8/11/2022
I have been crying none stop for 3 chapters.
prn chapter 1 . 4/20/2022
This was one hell of a journey you took us readers on, one that overstayed its welcome but at its best was intriguing, suspenseful and charming, A Muggle as a main protagonist is both rare and very difficult to pull off in this fandom but you managed it with aplomb, I really enjoyed how you explored the challenges and consequences Annie faced in trying to integrate into George's world and the character development/arc she went through.
Guest chapter 62 . 1/8/2022
This is the romance George Weasley deserves. By far, the most fitting in my opinion. Annie is wonderful. Thank you for your dedication.
FeytheFly chapter 61 . 12/13/2021
I don't think I've ever written a review on this story in the entirety of it being in my library since 2013, which feels like a crime considering how absolutely amazing this story is. In fact I would describe it less of a story and more of an experience. Annie is who I compare any OC to, and that includes my own, when I read a HP fanfic. She never feels like a character we're reading in a story, you make Annie feel alive. We weep with her, laugh, fight, smile, and scream. This story is such an experience and one I always continuesly come back to and will always come back to until the end. Thank you for sharing this journey with us over a decade ago, and thank you for giving us Annie 3
Priiya chapter 1 . 5/19/2021
thank you for this beautiful story..
everything about it was so good, you kept me with you all along.
and that ending killed me, I find it almost painful to know we are gonna follow the characters to their death, because we know there is no other end possible for them and for us...
SilverleafShadow chapter 62 . 2/24/2021
Congratulations... you made me cry.A rarely achieved feat. Good story. Good writing. Good characters. I finished this in a day because I could not stop.
mayabbyes chapter 17 . 2/17/2021
You have no idea how much I wish I was joking when I say that my dentist's name is Dan
Petek chapter 60 . 12/2/2020
This is my first fanfiction and I don't think I can ever read something this beautiful again. I knew at some point the story has to end but still reading it made me cry so much I just can 't believe it. It was just amazing beyond any words. I think I'm gonna accept this as canon from now on. Thank you for this wonderdul story.
Guest chapter 60 . 11/28/2020
Im literally crying right now...this chapter was to emotional for meee...
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