Reviews for My Lady Sakura
Aoki ShinkiRose chapter 1 . 12/11/2011

Omg,that was great story,very cute and so deeply in the ending.

Please make the sequel?i want to know about POV of kakashi..hehehe

AriaJack chapter 1 . 11/13/2011
I love this story. Honestly it is one of the lovelier pieces I have ever read, with its loving attention to detail. Thank you ever so much for posting it. This particular story obviously does not lend itself well to extension, but I would love to read a story that carries the same idea further.
graydevilforever chapter 1 . 10/5/2011
Wow, just wow.
ann chapter 1 . 9/28/2011
Vary well set story.
xmxoxoxnxy chapter 1 . 9/23/2011
hi ya, i just want to say that i absolutely LOVE my lady Sakura, it's one of the best stories i have EVER read, and i was just thinking that it would be awesome if you could write itfrom Kakashi's point of view, just a suggestion
The You of Yesterday chapter 1 . 9/14/2011
I really enjoyed this. Your style is lovely, and it flows really well. The roles really seem to fit the characters well.

There's just one slight disappointment for me, and please don't think that this spoiled my enjoyment of the story, as it really didn't, and I think your ending is well-done and sweet.

I can't help but feel a little disappointed that it all worked out so easily for then in the end. I may just be a glutton for tragedy though! I was hoping, firstly, that Kakashi wouldn't feel the same, or that he would be dead or gone in the morning.

I guess that parts of the story were so heart-wrenching and melancholy I just wanted more, and the happy ending took me by surprise!

You should really write a tragedy, if you haven't already! I love your style - off to check out anything else you've written now :-)
gamekyu hatake chapter 1 . 9/11/2011
wow sweet,good story!

love,love,love KAKASAKU

thank u for sharing.~
LadyB3ARwolfFang chapter 1 . 9/6/2011
This was beautiful ;') I'm so glad it was such a lovely ending...

It would be really interesting if you were to write another chapter, of the same events but from Kakashi's POV

Loved it *Faves*
Skyrere chapter 1 . 8/23/2011
sweet. XD

I loved it.
Criativo chapter 1 . 8/8/2011
This story was AMAZING! I am now a MAJOR fan of KakaSaku! :3 SO adorable! I love it when at the end they got together!
BaskingInTheSunshine chapter 1 . 7/31/2011
Such a good story. I loved reading it. When they were finally together at the end I was happy. Yay! :) Well written, with a nice plot. I loved this :)
ReflectedGrace chapter 1 . 7/28/2011

I loved the style, the clean lines, the sliding paper screens, the delicate, translucent, very-Asian feel of the whole fic...

Good heavens I felt like I was reading the Memoirs of a Geisha version of Naruto! Which is weird enough to even think...but it worked so well! Oh my goodness, I think you translated the hcaracters into a fine art piece, as if they were painted on the side of a ceramic teacup.

Goodness, I enjoyed it. And while the coolness of the fic seemed a tad chilly at times, it was so unique and I enjoyed it immensely.

Oh the maturity, and the complicated emotional situations you deal with! Showing the fruitlessness of a cold marriage with a gay Sasuke! OMGosh, that was real punch in the gut...and then, I loved the restraint in the Kakashi/Sakura scenes at the he seems so practical at first, simply because he doesn't understand her feelings. Wow.

It was original and striking and I applaud the guts it takes to write this kind of fic and go directly against a lot of common tropes in doing it. Well done.
Creator Emily chapter 1 . 7/18/2011
Awwwww! that was so... so beautiful... *sniff* *sniffle**wipes tears from eyes*

I love happy endings! *wails* *goes into fits of laughing and crying*
Se-chan chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
I have no idea how to express how much I love this story. The ending, especially, takes my breath away. Absolutely perfect!
ponypainter chapter 1 . 7/6/2011
Well done! This is a very lovely story. Thank you.

Have you seen, "The Empress", by cynchick, on Deviant Art?

It fits this story, so if you have not, it's worth seeing.
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