Reviews for Drummer
Anon chapter 2 . 1/29/2014
? Amrothos seems to have fallen for the first suitable lady that came his way after he decided he wanted a wife.
Anon chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
Sounds very promising. :)
TMI Fairy chapter 14 . 8/16/2013
Pleasant story.
TMI Fairy chapter 11 . 8/16/2013
Thumbs up for making the scum swing.
Yuki Suou chapter 14 . 5/14/2013
Heart warming story!
KnowInsight chapter 14 . 10/27/2012
D Another great one.
Talia119 chapter 14 . 4/10/2012
As always your stories are wonderfully written and this one is no exception! I was completely ensnared by this one! I do love your Amrothos and your Erchi and would love to hear more about them in future stories. Thank you so much for sharing your considerable gifts as a story teller with all of us.
diluvina black chapter 14 . 1/18/2012
This one was beautifully written. I really enjoy how many different stories you are able to draw with the same characters and it was very nice how you incorporated the very sad outcome for Duinhin and how you thought about the many men of the Vale lost during the battle.

hellsbellsmarin chapter 14 . 8/26/2011
One tiny critique. It's kinda impossible to NOT know about sex, if Dev lives on a farm, because it's in the persons face all the time.I doubt she would have to ask what happens. Now for Lotheriel,she really could have been that ignorant at her age, because she lives in a city and wouldn't see that sort of thing much.
hellsbellsmarin chapter 8 . 8/25/2011
Interesting how the father is yelling dies shortly, just as creepy cousin leaves. You might be able to do something with that, if you would like to write more. Did said cousin put something in father's drink? Where did creep get drug to kll him with? Leaving the open question, who does cousin want Dev to marry and why?

Most of these people seem to have happy marriage in this story, I guess who wants to read a horror story? In reality Royals had crappy marriages, mostly. Maria Carolina, sister to Marie Antoinette, hated her husband, Ferdinand of Naples, soooo much she wanted to KILL herself. They had terrible fights and Ferdinand and the children would hide from Maria Carolina. She had been forced, practically at sword point to marry Ferdinand.
hellsbellsmarin chapter 11 . 8/25/2011
The Guleth character is very interesting, a gift of a character. HEre's why IMO. As a woman,I personally have pondered the question most of my adult life, why do "nice" women i.e. not Gold diggers, want men they can't really have? Why do they want any part of it? For example, a famous politician has had a mistress for years. What does the woman get,if she's not a gold digger? It would seem more fun to pull one's teeth out with pliers esp. with public figures involved and the whole incident comes to light. I imagine other people wonder these things, and this is why that's a great character.
hellsbellsmarin chapter 1 . 8/25/2011
I really like this story. Great characters, it kept me reading and that's saying something. I get bored very easily.
awaylaughingonafastcamel chapter 11 . 5/25/2011
maybe im reading this completely wrong but it seems like Eomer has an illegitimate child running around the place! :O

Another great story by the way :)
Kiiimberly chapter 14 . 5/5/2011
This was so cute and funny :) I can't decide which one of your stories I like the most. They're all great in their own way. Now, onto the next story :D
Kiiimberly chapter 13 . 5/5/2011
LOL. That tradition is freaking hilarious. I wonder what he'll do :P
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