Reviews for Tradition and Honor: A Devil's Creed
Robert Krause chapter 7 . 12/4/2024
why not let Yakumo Kurama came living with Naruto now as she is under him now, and she had get a shop onto the clan town now, the Yakumo art and selling off place now, odd stuff now, when she had goth and art stuff pics and some stuff now, her be a kill off rat now, with eyes be out now, and she had selling it now, when others be selling now, her up floor home now, quit home now,
Binge Reader chapter 1 . 8/19/2024
This is...retarder, for the lack of a better word. Have I stumbled upon this once? I feel like this is not my first time calling it retarded
Robert Krause chapter 8 . 7/27/2024
why not let him get money form it and Vergil had buying out a former inn like his Jon his buying off the inn now and made a 2 home for him and the clan now, when ion and others staying here now for a time when his get marring and had 2 twins was ten-ten and Ion had one son Vergil Leroy and other one Robert Buner when both boys had made a shop for selling off ninjas wepones and tools and side show stuff now, the girls of ten-ten were ninjas warriors like mother was , and Vergil SR had made a gray men co money bank co, his owner and COE ,when Chri men now, his clan get more powerful and rich now, when even be west and find the 1 bank of his clan had and get the money and gold out now, and had be doing more of clan shops now, and bar too, the 4 ninjas kings and queen now, his keeping it now,
Robert Krause chapter 7 . 7/27/2024
why not let Naruto and Yakumo mix them own clan as one now the few men and women of the Kurama had move to Naruto to his clan home and had took on the shops it the old place now, one was Willam Jones Kurama who get the bar now Naruto and him be going over the place now, beers and others stuff now, glass and others stuff now, place is open now the Kurama nights and on the top floor is the men home now, as for others had living into gust house sun lights and moon home now, Naruto is head of it now, with Yakumo as co head now, when his not it the home she is com now, when others form the village be by the bar now, like it now, helping with new jobs be Jack lee and Ash rock ford 2 ex abut blacks ops caps former owl and fun the 2 living it flop house Lax black , Naruto buying it off now,
Robert Krause chapter 1 . 7/26/2024
why not let Naruto be doing more stuff when his get his new rank and his get owner ship of a shop when his selling off swords and others stuff now, and side show stuff too ninjas needs like scrolls and maps and books need for side jobs , when Naruto and his wife had be keeping shop when she was not doing her ninjas stuff too, when Naruto took out bad guys and women like now, his be into own office when his side room is full of death masks and others stuff now, his made a men cave/stay room now, /bed room now,
Archangel Change24 chapter 1 . 5/19/2024
Can i just say that “BINGO” is the most lame one line catch phrase ever? Like Dante says “JACKPOT!” And that sounds INFINITELY better than bingo…. Bingo makes me think of old people bingo night with grandma. While jackpot sounds like you are so much luckier.
Robert Krause chapter 9 . 3/24/2024
when Naruto ask Vergil had be living into a ream his made back before his was sill ninja and when his made it when his wife Anko had get took out , then others too, only ones was Kin lee the 2 had staying into it now , when get to living into a home now and get to had 3 kids Naruto JR Vergil JR and Jeff and one girl Anko lee all 4 had be ninjas now and was Rulers of the west , then get to out live others too, Naruto JR had be a warlord and then his made emlper and Vergil JR had swords master and ruler of the whirlpool and his marring Ten-ten Rin lee , when Jeff is monk ninjas master and his be to the bad lands into the wild west and made a village his made now, Anko lee is name of wife 3 , she is owners bar and inn into the west now, when others had be made now, each kid dead off , when Naruto SR /Vergil had living into DC comics 1 the gold age then Slaver age his be ww 1 and then ww2 and others wars too, his run into staying into his ream now, when get to find his own lax co and get out of the army life for when now, before doing it his be made took out bad guys like Joker and his made money for odd stuff too,
DarkHunter10 chapter 12 . 2/26/2024
You know something funny? The most dangerous thing for the Akutski in this story is... The Akutski! Think about it.. Itachi was killed by Obito.. Konan killed Pein, and Mundingus killed Obito... They're OWN members killed more then any other individual in the story ROFL. (even Naruto himself).

ROFL.. You know, these guys are ALSO playing "hot potato" with their "plans", no wonder they broke down into just "hoping for" this and that... Think about it... Madara hijacked Kagura's plan... Mundingus hijacked Madara's plan.. Obito LIED to Pein and hijacked HIS plan, then got lied to by Mundingus who then CHANGED plans.. Nobody had ANY IDEA WHICH plan they were on ROFL.. You just have to look at them and shake your head...It's kinda a MESS.. Definitely NOT "world conquerors" here.

You had the demon guy not having the power to revive the dead.. But anyone that knows the Edo Tensai can revive the dead.. So can an ability of the Rinnegan.(on a MASSIVE scale, no less) In the ninja world, you gotta beef up the power levels CONSIDERABLY, because A-rank shinobi and above can BASICALLY do miracles. (and there are BUNCHES of them in the world)
DarkHunter10 chapter 11 . 2/26/2024
A few problems here, The kyuubi was NEVER part of the equation, so the statue NEVER had all nine tailed beasts... The kyuubi has been GONE for 10 chapters.. LOL... The three tails is GONE... So 12 tails of power are MISSING.(and not retrievable) Oh AND apparently NOT the 2 tails OR the 7 tails either.. So we are up to 21 tails of power THEY ARE LACKING... Are you kidding me? Along with No Rinnegan... So.. How is this statue not just... A regular statue?... So what nobody can create statues later, or mundingus can possess them too? This bit doesn't really work. Probably because the Akatuski are a REALLY dumb plot device if you start GATHERING the bijuu and actually take out the members... Because without their "plot armor" they are essentially very EASILY "dispatched".

"We will reverse the process somehow to make its chakra enter the Gedo Mazo." oh come on... This isn't even a PLAN.. This is "wishful thinking"... They have NO IDEA what was done to the three tails.. Let alone ABSOLUTELY no idea HOW to reverse it, or if it even CAN BE reversed. Same with kyuubi... This is just "HOPING THINGS", not planning or knowing things...The ONLY thing that is KNOWN to mundingus, is they waited TOO LONG and now their plans are BONED. Not sure how you "plan around" UTTER FAILURE... Maybe change the "end goal" since the first one is OUTTA REACH?
DarkHunter10 chapter 9 . 2/26/2024
Why would danzo be HELPING the uchiha? It's already PROVEN he's NOT strong enough to handle Vergil... This is like throwing more money into a FAILED investment. The uchiha has already proven to danzo that he's incompetent and weak... He's NOT worth anymore backing. Replacing his eyes with WEAKER ones (I say weaker, because whomever they belonged to was killed by Itachi... A guy that danzo KNOWS Vergil already beat! If those eyes couldn't help with itachi, he already has proof that they won't do jack crap to vergil) doesn't make a lot of sense. Also doesn't that KINDA "overplay his hand"? He can't HIDE his activities if he's being THIS obvious. It also seems VERY odd.. That danzo would still be "hell bent" on getting naruto, after naruto has already KILLED so many anbu and Kisamie and beaten Itachi... He's already BROUGHT NEW trade agreements to konoha and he's BEING the weapon that danzo wanted for the leaf... So shouldn't he JUST be "slinking back into the shadows"?
So he kills the uchiha clan in order to PREVENT a "civil war" (which is in debate, if it would have kicked off one), but then decides to kick off a "civil war" of his OWN a few years later? Seems a little inconsistent doesn't it? (especially since he should KNOW this second one, he has ABSOLUTELY no chance of winning.. He's going against EVERY loyal shinobi, TWO jinchuriki/devils, two sannin and EVERY CLAN.. This is not a winning strategy, it's actually a "no win" strategy, because even IF he wins, he loses everybody he's wanting control of, with the title)

"We are supposed to kill without question, and we do it from the shadows with the public eyes of those around us being none the wiser about it.".. And starting a FULL BLOWN CIVIL WAR in the middle of the day, in the middle of public, goes against ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING he just said. I KINDA agree with him to an extent, but if he's right, HOW IS HE STILL ALIVE? (as tsunade should have ended him long ago.. OR the third).
DarkHunter10 chapter 8 . 2/26/2024
"she needed a way to eliminate the councils... Fast"? KILL THEM! Its a very reasonable answer in a VILLAGE OF ASSASSINS! She could do it PERSONALLY in a few minutes! There is no reason NOT to... There is NO repercussions for the DICTATOR! She can't understand how her sensei let them keep their positions? Isn't she doing the EXACT SAME THING? (also danzo was FIRED after the uchiha incident in canon) Just kinda confusing that if the councils are such a problem, WHY AND HOW are they still breathing? Tsunade herself could turn the ENTIRE ROOM into a slaughterhouse, without breaking a sweat. Yeah there MIGHT be chaos in the Leaf afterward but at the MOST, it would last MAYBE 2 days. Just "tear the band-aid off". Don't want danzo going to the daiamyo? Make sure HE CAN'T -kinda simple... There really ISN'T an "in-story reason" to keep them alive.. It's KINDA OBVIOUS it's just done by the writer, to keep using them (that's not good).
DarkHunter10 chapter 3 . 2/24/2024
So why DOESN'T naruto just "kill them all and let the Shinigami sort them out"? There really isn't that many... They are ALL WEAK... And he COULD do it without getting caught(in under a single afternoon)... Seems to me to just be a reason to "get it done". Even if you want him to want to do it "above the board"... Just "narc out" the people to the diamyo and get permission to SANCTION them. Piece of Cake. I mean look at WHO they are.. The Hyuuga elders... Who are WEAK, powerless, worthless and have no allies or ability to stop him... A council of CIVILIANS and two RETIRED shinobi who would BREAK A HIP just TRYING to dodge one palm strike... That's just LAUGHABLE.. And finally danzo.. A RIDICULES bad guy that just should get SWATTED like a gnat, when a story starts. Cuz he's really JUST A JOKE. Forget an afternoon.. Killing ALL these people should take MAYBE 2 hours. (at the HIGHEST AMOUNT of time -less if he gives them STROKES by high blood pressure from scaring them)
Mikeblade chapter 3 . 2/18/2024
ino is a cheap fan girl floozie at this stage so why is she outraged?
Mikeblade chapter 1 . 2/18/2024
the chunin exams are not every 4 months and are not in the leaf every time it switch's villages every time it's held
HyperA2019 chapter 12 . 12/20/2023
Is there a sequel to this story?
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