Reviews for Out of the Depths
Alwu99 chapter 2 . 10/16/2024
Guest chapter 24 . 9/13/2024
Hermione was the one in the wrong, she should be the one apologising to Severus and tell the boy she won't be going with him!
jade7slytherin chapter 7 . 8/29/2024
...I think I need a cigarette.

*fans self*
Angelhair chapter 22 . 1/3/2024
The anal stuff ain’t it TBH
Guest chapter 13 . 1/2/2024
Will every little discurse and fight end in sex instead of discussion a proper solution maturely ?
Guest chapter 11 . 1/2/2024
Loved the emotional parts of this chapter. Sad that it never stayed and turned into Sex again. They offer so much romance and I barely see any of it anymore.
Guest chapter 9 . 1/1/2024
Was Hermione meant to stay behind in her torn clothings while he dressed himself and just walked away ..I feel like it’s something he would not do to his romantic lover ..
Guest chapter 4 . 1/1/2024
Thank u for not making it Sex only, Thank u for staying true to Hermiones Character and having her seek a mental bond (I do appreciate the sexual aspects too though;-))
Guest chapter 3 . 1/1/2024
I love those tiny contacts between them! I can’t wait for the explicit pictures
Santanasev109 chapter 35 . 12/31/2023
this is very romantic and normally im not super big on that but it was so good. saucey as hell. i always love seeing a devoted severus in the end. i think a lot of ff writers are so busy playing up his dark side they foeget devotion was one of his strognest canon traits. i also LOVE how minerva was portrayed. i personally do not like seeing her as nasty and resentful towards severus as i dont believe thats how she truly would have been so this sory was refreshing in that aspect too
great read def recommend!
Guest chapter 35 . 12/2/2023
Łał, to było piękne.
Natasha25461 chapter 7 . 11/21/2023
Well that went well! Are these two ever going to have a conversation about what comes next?
Natasha25461 chapter 6 . 11/21/2023
Well at least Hermione was satisfied but that man definitely needs some therapy!
Natasha25461 chapter 5 . 11/21/2023
Well then! That was rather sudden!
Natasha25461 chapter 4 . 11/21/2023
Wow! Talk about tension!
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