Reviews for The Opposite of Logic
Whas'up chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
Continue! Continue! CONTINUE!

woah, sorry about that...

got a little excited *deep breath*

but this is awesome, i'd love it if Spock realized his massive mistake.

Great Job, see ya!
PinkTribeChick chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
I'm not even going to see the movie until Monday . . . but I already knew about the Spock-Uhura thing . . . so I read. And . . .


This is good . . . intriguing . . . and part of me is hoping for some sort of happy ending for these two, since there is a child involved.

Anyway - you've done wonderful so far. Please continue. You have atleast one hooked reader in me . . . 8~D

aisuartemis chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
omg continuecontinuecontinue! i just watched the movie and this pairing is my new OTP! i really hope you was fantastic!
thelittlelostexplorer chapter 1 . 5/10/2009

you have such an amazing start. please?
josephineb chapter 1 . 5/10/2009



um, mixing the original series arrangedmarriage!spock storyline with the 2009movie!crew WAS THE BEST IDEA EVER.

you have kirk down...SO well. I mean it, and mccoy, and EVERYONE, EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT THIS IS EXCELLENT.

you have no idea how hard I'm shipping spock/uhura right now and this is so what I needed.

Xxxxxnewnamexxxxxx chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
continue continue continue! but only if you can give me a happy ending cause this was just depressing! awesome but depressing. I'm addicted to this pairing now!
Trixie7 chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
Oh you've got to continue this please preferably with a happy ending for Uhura and Spock and their baby, but that's just the giant sop that I am.
BelaGray chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
I'd love to read more!
Sokorra Lewis chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
I like this so far. Uhura/Spock is my new shiney ship and its nice to see good fic for it already:) And I liked the casual mention to the possibly of David Marcus
septemberbeauty13 chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
I love it! Can't wait to see what happens with Uhura & Spock! Please continue...
Wei Ai Shen chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
Great story! Please continue! But I really hope Spock and Uhura stay together in the end, they're so adorable!
Vallerine chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
oh plz continue! i just saw this movie and i am in love :)
The Lark chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
Aw, come on, don't end it there!
roulette rouge chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
I loved this. Dearly. Spock was perfect, hell, even KIRK was perfect! I am hoping to see more from you, because this was stunning...perfectly dazzling.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece with us!
Hobbit Babe chapter 1 . 5/9/2009
oh spock, for such a smart guy you really can be a retard somtimes.
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