Reviews for A Looping of the Scales
Hetc chapter 4 . 6/7/2020
This chapter reminded me overhearing a rather sad conversation between a nurse and a woman with dementia about the death of her daughter. The grief was fresh every time.
Hetc chapter 2 . 6/6/2020
Great little vignette in the office- the awful realisation dawning on everyone- older McGonagall, younger Severus, officious students manhandling their head of house. Fantastic set up and I look forward to reading more.
el-belikova chapter 87 . 5/31/2020
The position is great and has always been a favourite 3
3onic chapter 79 . 5/3/2020
This is a great story. I absolutely love it! It does seem strange that you would put so much emphasis on the NEWTs and then just gloss over it to start almost an entirely new plot line. I get that you planed on having the house and demons/ghosts, but it's like you went from point A to point G without any kind of transition. It's left me more than a little lost about what is actually going on.
Guest chapter 91 . 12/8/2019
Guest chapter 76 . 12/8/2019
It's not a Slytherin color, but I imagine Blaise wearing a Star Trek red shirt, signifying he is an expendable character, soon to die.
Guest chapter 60 . 12/5/2019
Guest chapter 11 . 12/1/2019
This is such a terrific story. I'd expected cliches and tropes, but I'm delightfully surprised at how this is something new and fresh, even though the story is old.
Violet Malachite chapter 93 . 9/27/2019
It's the best fiction I have ever read . I really like it ! It's a talent work !
theredwaste chapter 59 . 7/20/2019
he's got a point Hermione. and that doesn't happen too often sis
theredwaste chapter 35 . 7/20/2019
EmiSchwalger chapter 73 . 6/1/2019
This chapter made me so happy! ️
ReylOHelloThere chapter 67 . 6/1/2019
Thank God someone said something to her. I thought the author was just going to have her get away with her attitude.
ReylOHelloThere chapter 59 . 6/1/2019
I love this story except Hermione is an absolute witch with a B throughout so far. She's super self centered and controlling and it makes it hard to believe anyone would want to be her friend.
langeline chapter 31 . 4/30/2019
memorable writing.
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