Reviews for A Looping of the Scales
Guest chapter 45 . 7/8/2022
Snape seems to be a much easier alternative to meditation to achieve deep relaxation, from Hermione's description.
Guest chapter 45 . 7/8/2022
Regarding the last phrase, I believe he might be right ;)
Guest chapter 45 . 7/8/2022
Comparing to other of your fics with his older self, we can see his inexperience:: for example, with him double checking with her if everything is alright, yet he still made an impressive showing.
Guest chapter 45 . 7/8/2022
Hilarious to see him use the Marauders to "calm down" (what would they think about it? Well, Snape had at least found a use for them).
Guest chapter 45 . 7/8/2022
His desire to impress kind of reminded me of the role reversal fic where Hermione was the Slytherin spy and him the Griffindor student. But at the same time, there was also a bit of the more usual atmosphere of your fics with him opening up new world for her -she was not Slytherin spy!Hermione's match in terms of experiences, after all.
Guest chapter 45 . 7/8/2022
The bit at the beginning about his anxiety and Hermione's perspective and feelings was one of the advantage of a female author's point of view regarding such intimate scenes.
Guest chapter 65 . 7/8/2022
Funny scene with Slughorn, makes one wonder what their interactions were like as his old Head of House.
Guest chapter 65 . 7/8/2022
Funny to see Harry still dealing with Ron's oversharing. Well, at least he has Ginny's simpathy.
Guest chapter 64 . 7/8/2022
Ron really likes to overshare, funny to see Harry squirm uncomfortably about "too much details".
Guest chapter 64 . 7/8/2022
I mean, between the Marauders and his job as a Death Eater spy, Poppy probably saw Snape more frequently than most.
Guest chapter 60 . 7/8/2022
Wondering about the 11 NEWTs bit: how many would Voldemort and Dumbledore have taken? Anyway, liked Hermione's confidence in the ending, as well as Snape's witty comment.
Guest chapter 60 . 7/8/2022
It's funny to think of Hermione scheduling even her intimate activities.
Guest chapter 62 . 7/8/2022
I liked to see a more "immature" Harry, after his "grown up" moments with Hermione -a bit of a role reversal with respect to her being the more emotionally mature one in their canon scenes, nice nonetheless-.
Guest chapter 62 . 7/8/2022
Hilarious Harry asking to be stunned in the end!
Guest chapter 61 . 7/8/2022
Nice to see a change of pace, him and Susan rather than Lavander like in the other fics.
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