Reviews for A Looping of the Scales
Guest chapter 63 . 7/8/2022
I mean, to be honest I don't even know the difference between a Manticore and a Chimera, so... Besides that, maybe a Levicorpus would have been easier than Filch physically carrying the guy, or at least Hagrid, given his size, would have been faster carrying him.
Guest chapter 63 . 7/8/2022
Actually, I can't remember if we ever saw them using the Accio spel with a living person. Maybe a toad? Does it work on living things?
Guest chapter 93 . 7/8/2022
A well deserved ending.
Guest chapter 63 . 7/8/2022
Funny to see Snape attempt to seduce her before the duel, in the beginning.
Guest chapter 63 . 7/8/2022
Well, Snape certainly went all the way for those he cared about. Hopefully this time they will do the same in return.
Guest chapter 63 . 7/8/2022
Well, giving Filch that salve paid off in the end!
Guest chapter 67 . 7/8/2022
Immensely satisfying conclusion to the chapter.
Guest chapter 63 . 7/8/2022
Funny seeing Hermione curse!
Guest chapter 63 . 7/8/2022
I think that Levicorpus was a silent spell.
Guest chapter 63 . 7/8/2022
Embarassing mistake: the one using Sectumsempra was Hermione, and she used it to cut a branch. Strange choice, maybe, but effective. Regarding the Unforgivable, not sure whether using it in self defense against a monster constitutes a crime or not.
Guest chapter 67 . 7/8/2022
A surprisingly mature Harry, this is the sort of things that ordinarily she would be telling him.
Guest chapter 63 . 7/8/2022
Actually, embarassing mistake: Hermione was the one using Sectumsempra, and she did it to cut through a branch. Strange choice of spell (did she even know it? Only Harry learned it afaik). It was not Snape using it on her.
Guest chapter 63 . 7/8/2022
Actually, besides Sectumsempera (which he would have certainly used to defend himself if assaulted, but obviously not in a friendly duel with someone he cared about), I think that even Avada Kedavra being used is strange, since it's supposed to be illegal and, if I recall correctly, warranting a lifetime in Azkaban (and I am not sure she knew how to cast it -then again, Harry tried his hand at a Cruciatus a couple of times and it did *something*, though not much).
Guest chapter 63 . 7/8/2022
I don't really think that he would use Sectumsempera in a friendly duel (he used Expelliarmus on Lockhart), though he would of course cast it if he was assaulted for real. Also, afaik he could do this non-verbally.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/8/2022
Actually, in addition to the fire spell in first year, and the thing they did to get the polyjuice ingredients in the second one, I don't remember the expelliarmus bit...
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