Reviews for You've Kept Me Waiting
hpdude-4life chapter 9 . 7/17/2015
Jasper being a gentleman and sh*t.
hpdude-4life chapter 8 . 7/17/2015
'Peter can wait.' *fans self*
hpdude-4life chapter 5 . 7/17/2015
I think this was my fave chapter yet.
Jasper 3
And Alice, I feel it too. 'Jazz,' yes! xD
hpdude-4life chapter 4 . 7/16/2015
Omgness, that final line though.
hpdude-4life chapter 3 . 7/16/2015
'For you.' Oh Jasper! :')
hpdude-4life chapter 2 . 7/16/2015
So this story is listed in my faves but I haven't reviewed it, besides the first chapter. What?
Jasper Alice Life
queen-sheep chapter 43 . 8/19/2014
I think I finished this in two days straight. That was an amazing story you wove! Wonderful characters, wonderful plot... It was just great. Thanks for the read!
SayaHitsugaya chapter 43 . 7/28/2014
Wow. Just wow. I have so many feelings toward this story. Your writing style is amazing and the way you portrayed the characters was so believable, along with the amazing story line...I just, I love it! 3 I will definitely be rereading this story in the future again soon :D
TwitchPotter chapter 43 . 5/22/2014
Today, I was supposed to be moving out of my college apartment and going home...
Instead, I read this entire fanfiction in one sitting. (Seriously, my butt has been numb for HOURS!)
I love the Twilight series, but sometimes I hate the fanfictions, as many are not accurate, or are all about sex with no plot, etc. I have been reading Twilight fanfic for about four years now - and this trumps all others I have read. Your writing is flawless, your characters are well developed and consistent in personality, and you had the perfect mix of romance, family, and drama. A fantastic read! Now I'm going to go read everything else you have ever written... Keep up the great work!
Muhaha999 chapter 43 . 3/21/2014
Beautiful! I always wanted to know their story, as I love the couple, and you provided us a beautiful story: romantic, dramatic, funny at times, and simply adorable. I must say, for my well-being, that it was heartbreaking and very toughtfull of you to include Marlene's dead, and the end at about the same time Bella and yet another part of their life's began. It was poetic! (And yet a tad sad...)
Thank you, and whoever conviced you to repost this story.
sparky1201 chapter 43 . 2/10/2014
It's after 3am and I have school. But I read this all in one day and I must say that this is one of my favorite fanfiction and it is the first I have read for twilight. It wa friggin awesome and I loved every moment if it.
MandyinKC chapter 43 . 1/24/2014
First, confession: I haven't read Twilight. I found your story through nami64 on Deviantart and I am glad I did. I was very curious about Jasper and Alice after seeing her artwork, and your story brought them to life.

So, I can't speak to weather your characterizations are in keeping with the books or if you got the details correct, but I can speak to how well written this story is. I had no problem following it, despite my lack of Twilight knowledge, moreover it was very well paced: I didn't want to put it down! I think that is especially great considering that the story is told in first person which I often find frustrating and because Jasper and Alice don't have much interaction with other characters through most of the fic.

I really like the parallel between the miscarriage lie and Alice's real search for a family. The way you described the near miss in Minnesota and the language you use to describe Alice's sense of loss and Jasper's disappointment really invokes the emotions around a miscarriage. Then the joy of finally finding her family...I was so happy for her.

I loved all the little details you packed into the story that really invoked time and place. The radio programs, the tv shows, the peddle pushers (that's what my mom calls them). I also liked the switch to Jasper's POV in the epilogue. I wasn't expecting it and it was a pleasant surprise. You did a great job of writing in his voice, as he was very different from Alice and I had no problem telling them apart.

You're a great writer and I can't help wondering what you are doing now. Original work maybe?
CrystalBud chapter 14 . 12/18/2013
i love this, they are so perfect for each other :D
ILoveHarryPotterForever chapter 43 . 12/14/2013
I can't even express how much I love your story. It's absolutely marvelous. I fell in love with Alice and Jasper all over again. You did a fantastic job with the writing and plot. :)
just by luck chapter 30 . 7/30/2013
AHHHHWWWWWW! Fangirling right now!
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