Reviews for You've Kept Me Waiting
HelloIamGracie chapter 43 . 11/22/2012
I read your whole story, and as I positively adore it (I love Alice & Jasper the best) I noticed a few mistakes with the way you described the Denali Clan. All the three original Denali sisters have blonde hair. Tanya's is described as having long, curly strawberry blonde hair, Kate is described as having long, pale blonde straight hair, and Irina is described as having straight, chin-length silvery blonde hair. Carmen is the only lady of the Denali clan to have dark hair. And Eleazar's gift is being able to identify other vampires' gifts, and I believe he says in Breaking Dawn he can sometimes sense potential in humans if it's particularly strong. He does not see the want of others... except maybe when he was with Aro as Aro wanted all his little "jewels" with powers for his collection. Kate is the only one of the original Denali sisters to have a gift and it's not to sense a lie, (that's Maggie's gift in Breaking Dawn, from the Irish Clan,) Kate can generate an electrical charge all over her body as an offensive gift. In Breaking Dawn she said it started only with her hands or fingers, and it took lots of practice to make it generate through her entire body. Oh, and you also made some mistakes describing Peter and Charlotte. In the books Charlotte is only 5 feet tall. just a couple inches taller than Alice is in the books, and has white-blonde hair. And Peter is as tall just as tall as Jasper is in the books, 6'3". And it's said that he has kind of long white-blonde hair (just like Charlotte). I am only telling you these things because I loved your story so much, and I think it would be even better if you got everyone right. I'm just a stickler for the details, and remember like everything. But I just want to reiterate that I absolutely LOVE your story, it was such a good read! I loved it, loved it, loved it! But if you might edit those little mistakes in the characters I would probably add a few more loves on to how much I love it! ;-) And I am so glad that people requested you re-post this story because it was an absolute delight to read! So, I apologize if you find the constructive criticism annoying, but I guess I just had to put in my two cents. :-) Great, great, great story! It was so much fun to read!

seekerchasing chapter 43 . 11/19/2012
Lovely story. I adored every word of it - you captured both Alice and Jasper brilliantly, and fleshed out their story in such an enjoyable way
BarbedCaress chapter 43 . 11/16/2012
Great story!
Well Done!
GarnetAles chapter 43 . 11/3/2012
Amazing story. I'm really glad you reposted this so that people like me could find and enjoy it on the future. It was amazingly well written and the ending was spectacular.
her illusion chapter 43 . 9/18/2012
aww this was lovely!i liked edward & the walking in scene in the epilogue LOL.
RogueMetamorph chapter 42 . 7/31/2012
RogueMetamorph chapter 40 . 7/31/2012
Only You by The Platters; I've been listening to this song since i started reading this and I can't get it out of my head now.
This is a fantastic fanfiction, there are no Mary-Sue moments and everything that happens makes sense. This it beatuiful. You don't believe me but this fanfiction belongs in a book to be sold, it's that fantastic.
RogueMetamorph chapter 39 . 7/31/2012
Alright... I guess I can forgive him too.
Through that whole chapter I was crying and sobbing like a mad woman. My room mate came in a few times to see if i was alright and I had to tell her that i was reading a fanficition.
RogueMetamorph chapter 38 . 7/31/2012
Thank, God! I'm not even Alice and I missed him. That's how great of a writer you are and how great these characters already were, that you made me miss Jasper the way Alice does.
RogueMetamorph chapter 36 . 7/31/2012
I'm an actual person on . I swear.

I started crying. Why the hell would Jasper leave? Alice is going to be a mess! The last thing on Earth that could possibly happen is them seperating. This is impossible and extremely painfully. I was listening to a sad song as I read this and that was definitely a mistake, though I would have cried regardless. Jasper can't leave!
Guest chapter 43 . 7/18/2012
Such a beautiful ending to such a beautiful story. I always enjoy reading stories about Alices and Jaspers life before the Cullens and you described it perfectly.
amiboo chapter 9 . 6/15/2012
I'm really enjoying this story. Ever since Eclipse I've wished that SMeyer would write a prologe type story about Jasper and Alice and here it is. Thanks for reading my mind.
MaMZg67 chapter 43 . 4/4/2012
I was so happy when I found this story! I wanted to read about Alice's life after she was changed and when she found Jasper and finally when they met the Cullens and you did a wonderful job writing this story. It's simply amazing :D
little.lost.panda chapter 28 . 3/19/2012
Please excuse my harsh attitude, but I can't help but being upset. Kate doesn't not sense lies! That's Maggie of the Irish coven! Kate shocks people! Ugg, I hate when people get gifts wrong! Gah, I really, really hate it! Good story though, it's just the little things like that that get to me. I love your story, very, very! good.
gabyhyatt chapter 1 . 3/1/2012
i love it
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