Reviews for Reel Life
BethMasenCullen chapter 6 . 5/26/2023
I love when Edward gets a little possessive lol
BethMasenCullen chapter 5 . 5/26/2023
That was a perfect dinner party- Ben and Angela are awesome! And Bella doesn't see herself clearly, as always lol
BethMasenCullen chapter 4 . 5/26/2023
I love how the Universe is bringing them together!
VryUnique chapter 21 . 3/27/2023
Awesome story! Thanks so much for sharing.
VryUnique chapter 13 . 3/27/2023
Bella needs to feel secure in her relationship. She is probably thinking when Edward dumps her the whole world will know. He needs to tell her he loves her.
VryUnique chapter 11 . 3/27/2023
Come on Bella! Isn’t he worth it?
VryUnique chapter 10 . 3/27/2023
Bella should have sent that email right away. Things weren’t confirmed with her and Edward but they were dating. I would say she cheated on him even if things weren’t confirmed. When she saw pictures with Edward and Tanya she felt betrayed, like he cheated. I’m sure he would feel the same way. Maybe there are some pictures of Jacob and Bella floating around out there.
VryUnique chapter 9 . 3/27/2023
Bella’s is an ass. I’m so disappointed in her.
Jacob is a bigger ass.
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 21 . 1/26/2023
So lovely and fun!
Thank you for sharing their journey. I know I'm late to the party, but glad I found your story. :)
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 17 . 1/25/2023
Suck on THAT!
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 15 . 1/25/2023
I think Em and Rose are my favs in this story! Their relationship is priceless!
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 14 . 1/25/2023
Kind of heartbreaking...
I knew that was no accident!
Prague is beautiful, I hope she makes it out for a visit! 12 weeks is a long time apart.
EdwardsVampTramp chapter 4 . 1/25/2023
Atta girl, Bella!
Cknsw chapter 20 . 1/1/2023
Thankyou. Enjoyable, warm,funny and sweet. Nicely written !
Dazzlingsparkle chapter 21 . 6/3/2021
loved it!
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