Reviews for Deceit and Lies
Jimbocous chapter 6 . 1/4
Thanks for a great (re)read! Nicely done!
Guest chapter 2 . 9/7/2024
Man, you better fucking kill dumbleass in this story. I hate when writers chicken out of that when they set up this evil bastard who has zero problems about murdering folks. I'm going to mess around and write a short story where the psychotic punishments that dumbass needs are carried out. Maybe a series of one shots where various dumbleasses are pulled from various stories (multiverse or AU stuff) & are each executed with extreme prejudice.

This particular one needs to be slowly lowered onto the sharpest judas chair imaginable ...AFTER taking sweet time to dismember him but still keeping him alive & cognizant enough to feel everything.
goku90504 chapter 7 . 6/25/2024
*blinks* Does the canon timeline actually line up enough for this? I could see dumbles being voldies great grand father but the time line seems a bit to tight for the claimed relation between Harry and voldie
pincho chapter 7 . 2/5/2024
That was, I don't even know...

It does remind me of One life to live (soap opera)
SimplyAdventures chapter 1 . 1/31/2024
I really did enjoy the story The only thing that was a little meh was talking about how he consummated the marriage and that it was a prank. I don't know why Hermione would push for something like that because the story never tells us that she would do something like that. But again I do like it.
HoneyBear84 chapter 7 . 11/6/2023
Love it
KoldT chapter 7 . 3/20/2023
Interesting and enjoyable.
ggf1 chapter 7 . 2/25/2023
Interesting twists. Thanks
Prakith chapter 7 . 2/24/2023
Oh my God that was a huge twist at the end. I loved it.
LeoniusDong chapter 7 . 2/3/2023
An unthinkable family history...:))) a nice one! But Voldy also killed James and Lily it's unchangable!
draco122 chapter 7 . 12/2/2022
Loved this.
HeartsGlow chapter 7 . 11/6/2022
Actually, there was no messing with the bloodline of Potter, as Harry had no intention of having children with Ginny
HeartsGlow chapter 4 . 11/6/2022
Ginny is only fifteen. She is a child and still has time to grow up, mature, and be a better person. I hope Harry gives her an "out" when she grows up.
HeartsGlow chapter 2 . 11/6/2022
I wonder how he knew the Grangers were going overseas
HeartsGlow chapter 1 . 11/6/2022
Harry would be near death with all those injuries. Nothing that Hermione would know how to do. She'd need Dobby to heal him and if he can't someone else. There is no way she'd know what to do
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