Reviews for Once Upon a Flower |
Coolfire30 chapter 3 . 7/21/2018 I am actually dying from the anticipation... And damn well confused... Is Kurohana Kagome or not? I fucking hope you continue this story... |
Azera-v chapter 2 . 7/29/2013 Really love this story, please continue it! |
massengale77 chapter 3 . 8/18/2010 I hope u keep up with the story and reveal ur secrets:) |
no name chapter 3 . 8/5/2010 Your story is very good and I like it very much but sometimes I get really frustrated with the kurohana ninja thing! Also, I was wondering if you will make Kagome strong or weak because I really hate it when people make her really weak. It annoys me to hell! I can't wait to see what you will write for the next chapter. I especially can't wait for the meeting of Sesshomaru and the ninja. I hope you continue to make things interesting though it would be good if you added bits of humor here and there because making it too serious is bad(really bad at explaining so i wont explain)(if its ok w/ you). GAMBATTE! |
KagomeAngel91 chapter 3 . 7/2/2010 I can't wait to read more w |
one2handcuff chapter 3 . 7/1/2010 cool fic, can't believe you still have people guessing who the ninja is... I believe I figured most of it out and I believe the outcome will be worth the reading. This is a cool fic by the way... Oh one other thing you do have some mistakes with the spelling. Its always easier to find if you read your story online like everyone else... Keep up the good work. Now for my answers to your story... Along with a few questions. This perhaps is backwards or just plain truth as I see it. It suits me. A: Kagome is the ninja/princess A: Kagome has to make herself disappear as the princess in order to fight the civil war of the south as Kurohana. A:Kagome has to make herself look and act like a ditzy princess that knows or how to do things. Thus keeping her aura and power concealed from everyone. Q: I haven't really paid attention to Kikyou's role besides being a miko. Is she part of kurohana's forces? Q: When will Sesshomaru finally say enough is enough and just kill the advisors... I need some bloodshed... Q: When will you update? That's all for now... I doubt I am wrong but there is always a possibility... Until next time... |
sousie chapter 3 . 7/1/2010 haha she got him good |
Summer Gardenia chapter 3 . 7/1/2010 I love this story! Can't wait for the next update! Plus, I think I know who the ninja is... XD |
helikesitheymikey chapter 2 . 6/23/2010 I'm still betting the ninja is Kagome and that the ninja's personality is Kagome's real one but she has to act stupid and meek as the princess for her plans to succeed. plus I'd totally see Kagome doing a Robin Hood couldn't you? unfortunately in the end Fluffy will be right about females scheming I bet. PLEASE UPDATE SOON! AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LET KAGOME BE THE NINJA! |
sousie chapter 2 . 6/23/2010 update soon |
darksilvercloud chapter 2 . 6/22/2010 nice chapter. yup. there's slight confusion but it'll totally be worth it :DDD |
TimesUnfetteredImaginationBomb chapter 1 . 4/22/2010 very nice! loved reading it and i'm glad you said not to assume who the ninja was. lol i had kept telling myslef not to jump to conclusions. wonderful chapter and i can't wait to read the next chapter! |
Sesshomaru's Beautiful Kristin chapter 3 . 9/26/2009 i love this fic! Kagome being a ninja and all. So the concubine is her fathers? Wouldnt Kagome be the fate of the lands? Or does she not have any intentions of taking over? |
arrowheadhunter chapter 2 . 7/1/2009 this is very good, though you need to update faster! lol! i love the plot. |
Sugar0o chapter 2 . 6/20/2009 so very fun! i love how kagome's got the innocent act down! i wonder though, what kinda demon is Kagome? |