Reviews for The Blessing and the Curse
PinkSlytherin chapter 1 . 6/12/2009
Love it! Please continue!
fallenangel12683 chapter 5 . 6/12/2009
great chapter.. cant wait for more!
mrstveit17 chapter 5 . 6/12/2009
ok, so that was really hot! i was getting all excited and then Carlisle had to ruin it! this story is so amazing! Please update again soon!

eliza6801 chapter 5 . 6/12/2009
Gr. I am torn between wanting her to give in and wanting her to be strong enough to deny him. He can read her thoughts. Does her pain mean nothing to him? Is he really that evil and beyond redemption?
LovesTheDark chapter 5 . 6/12/2009
If Edward is crawling towards me on my bed growling the last thing I'd be thinking of doing is reviewing!

But I'll oblige cause you put that hot image in my head.

This chapter was sad and then hot, I love this Edward.

Good chapter.
S-murderinc chapter 5 . 6/12/2009
hahaha your A/N at the end was funny :P

OMG this Edward is killing a good way! :)

Wonderful chapter, can't wait to see what happens !
nofeartina chapter 5 . 6/12/2009
I just have to tell you how brilliant I think this story is... Even though I read a lot of fanfiction, I have actually been thinking quite a lot about this story since chapter 3, and wondering what was going to happen. I think this dark-ward is very sexy, but totally unfair to Bella. I hope she keeps up her strength and refuses him so more. He's almost too unbearable right now, so smug and annoying...

Keep it up, You are an amazing writer! :)
oceanluvr chapter 5 . 6/12/2009
Great story, it is really feaking me out and making me cry.

Poor Bella, it seems like she has had a miserable life, and Edward is part of the worst of it. Is Edward a souless monster in this story? With his ugly double standards and manipulations? He is so hurtful it makes me cry. It is like he has spent his life mind raping Bella over and over.

Why does he hate her so much? Sleeping with her best friend in her bed? Using her thoughts and emotions against her. How can she ever trust him? He does not seem to protect her for her own sake but for his own selfish motivations.

I am excited about this story and afraid of it at the same time. If I had someone like Edward in my life... I would want to be as far away from him as possible, just for my own sanity and to protect my heart.
niqha chapter 5 . 6/12/2009
Gosh, you sure know how to write! And you do it awesomely!

Continue the great work and update as soon as possible :)


TLammy chapter 5 . 6/12/2009
Wow, it seems their connection is undeniable but I think if I were Bella I'd want to deny too. Can't help but wonder if there is any good at all in Edward. Good chapter, dying for more!
AngryKitten chapter 5 . 6/12/2009
"She allowed herself a small image of herself drinking a beer whilst seated cross legged on his grave, exhausted from chiseling." I love that image.

I think this chapter is wearing just the right amount of lemon scented perfume...its flirtatious and i like it!

Cockblocked HAHA sucker!

I love it how even though Edward can hear her and responds, she still thinks things like "she was sure he would be able to feel her heat through her jeans" She is powerless, letting him in is like second nature and she doesn't even blush!
bookusbagus chapter 4 . 6/8/2009
Is it wrong for your beta to review?

Too bad. You are doing such a great job. I am so proud of you *sniff*

The image of Edward in his wet leather jacket is one that's definitely going to stay with me ;)

I also love what a douchebag Mike is. You make it so easy for me to see all the reasons why Bella should dump him :D

Can't wait for future lemons, or at least some little lemon wedges. You know, as garnish. I have a feeling they will make your readership a little hot under the collar ;)

Anyway great work BB and let me just add - your comma placement is a thing of beauty. Really.
eliza6801 chapter 4 . 6/8/2009
Intriguing story. I am looking forward to more.
LadyMiss chapter 4 . 6/7/2009
E update!

I love how Bella and Edward have that connection.

They had a strong bond in the books because he couldn't read her mind, but here they have something that no one else has.

Possessive Edward is sexy Edward.

"We fit together well, don't we?" I can imagine Edward calming down and realising how much she fits into him there.

haha about the hand job in the teachers lounge. Dirty dirty.

Can't wait for next chappy, o wondering what will happen. We know she's said yes. Will Bella give into Edward? After all these years? I don't know, update soon!

I need to find out! The suspense is killing me here!
Amethice chapter 4 . 6/7/2009
Shameless indeed. I've just come across this story and I'm very intrigued. Not sure where I sit on the fence at the minute - I'm enjoying it but I've got NO idea where it is going or what is happening, and I'm a little bewildered by this story of yours. But perhaps pleasantly bewildered. I'll be waiting for updates nonetheless! And great writing btw.
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