Reviews for Scary Stories
Durandall chapter 7 . 6/23/2011
Ugh ... this was...

Would probably have been great if it weren't listed as a Haruhi/Kyon matchup. I just can stand these stories, though; it's all schadenfreude. Kyon tries his best, loses anyway, and Haruhi doesn't grow up in the slightest.

The rest of the story is good, and well written - but that particular interaction just doesn't sit well with me. Well, that's only my opinion; on the technical side of things you're quite good. Thank you for sharing.
shadows-of-ballance chapter 7 . 8/5/2010
This was actualy really good! It really captured the feeling of the show, hell this could be an episode.
mafalda157 chapter 7 . 1/3/2010
Tanigawa certainly never managed to be as amusing as you, that's for sure! There were many, MANY scenes that had me honest-to-god laughing out loud. Especially Yuki's story. :D Just imagining her deadpan delivery and Kyon's expression cracks me up even now.

You really have Kyon's voice down pat, and it felt true to the spirit of the series. All in all, a very enjoyable fic to read. :)
Some1Else chapter 7 . 7/13/2009
I could almost feel Kyon's humiliation when he was forced to dress up as a cat boy. Yuki did indeed have the best scary story out of the group and Kyon's reaction to it was hilarious. I also liked Koizumi's story. Mikuru's explanation for the supernatural activity really sounded like something you would expect from the light novels. It's a shame Haruhi called Kyon's bluff and discovered that he stole the story he told, but he should have expected it.

Finally, you know how to write for this series properly, so keep it up.

Good work.
Mattricole chapter 7 . 6/30/2009
lol, that's what you get for stealing Kyon!
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe chapter 3 . 6/29/2009
Ace, brah, you're Kyon pro.
MissAkari chapter 1 . 6/29/2009
This was. Amazing. I had seen this story floating around for a while and I decided to read it.

Despite its short length, you are a great writer and the style definitely fits with this story. Even the explanation was very original and well thought.

Great job. I'm going to read your other stories now. Haha.
Mattricole chapter 6 . 6/26/2009
lol, poor Kyon.
Hakumei no Majo chapter 5 . 6/26/2009
Whoa. That was...awesome. Just awesome, my friend. It's funny to imagine Koizumi acting scared. XD

*claps in eagerness* Please try to update soon!
asdkfnioquenf109 chapter 4 . 6/25/2009
o.o I didn't expect that story from Nagato.
Kyotachi chapter 4 . 6/25/2009
lol. Doubt was the title of the manga, Kyon told. The whole Bunny, wolf plot thing was a bit nostalgic.

Anyway, nice fanfic so far. Best line ever: "I'm a high school vampire."
Akai-Kurenai chapter 5 . 6/24/2009
Ah ha, I pretty much expected this to happen. You know, the ghostlies floating around. I'm also going to guess that the object "shaped like a tube" is Kyon's flashlight, though I'm not certain on that.

Great job with the story. Kyon's narrative, though wonderful and mostly in-character, could be a little more eloquent. Although he is a lazy butt, Kyon's inner monologues are actually quite detailed and dripping with sarcasm.

Don't let anything bad happen to the girls. Why is it that all of the girls are missing?
Broken Kilter Express chapter 5 . 6/24/2009
I'm addicted. Please, I need more!

Favorite line in the whole story:

Why am I the only one fighting the power?
Mattricole chapter 5 . 6/24/2009
This was pretty interesting.
Akai-Kurenai chapter 4 . 6/22/2009
Honestly, I was expecting Yuki's story to be some kind of autobiographical creepy thing like she did in Editor-in-Chief: Straight Ahead!, but your take was much better.

"Holy sh1t!" I had the exactly same reaction as Kyon.

I don't read many horror manga, so I'll just wait for someone to say the answer or for you to reveal it (lazy). I really do want to read it, but it's just that I don't have the time to look it up (very lazy).

Everyone else's stories were pulled off very nicely as well. Mikuru's story made me go "aweh" and laugh simultaneously. Is that even possible?

I wonder if Haruhi is going to make their stories come true...
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