Reviews for Heiress by Blood
Guest chapter 1 . 10/12/2020
Are you EVER coming back?
Mandy chapter 12 . 5/3/2016
Please continue this, please please please! It's a really good story with a great potential! I love Flauvic's character, how he's caring and overprotective, how close they are with Mel and the trust between them. Is he in love with her? I also love the insight into Danric's feelings, it is very realistic. And is Russav really in love with Mel too? I would love to see Flauvic and Danric fighting over Mel and Danric being madly jealous at Russav after his admission! I hope Flauvic's loyalty yo Mel wins over and he will help her rather than try to stop her! I would also love to see Bran and Mel become very close friends and devise an effective plan to put justice in place once again!

Please continue, or if not, at least post an update explaining how the story goes and ends in your mind... Don't just leave it hanging! Thanks :)
Fairyflame chapter 12 . 11/6/2015
This is really good. Do you plan to ever get back to it? I really want to know how everything turns out. Having Flauvic be a good character is a neat idea. Do you plan to have him stay that way?
the two-way mirr chapter 12 . 4/28/2015
I really hope you finish this story, even if you just wrote an epilogue summarising what happens, it would be nice for the story to have sort of closure.
bookfreak976 chapter 12 . 5/27/2013
hello? Anyone there? You just got to the good part! Lemme guess- Mel is Bran's half sister, the Queen and Brans father had an affair, Gladran got revenge on the Queen through her death, but keeps Mel for heir. Oi! Galdran is barren!
Lilmon chapter 12 . 9/17/2012
Why have you stopped writing?! I love this story, it is so unique in the fact that Mel is greedy galdran daughter! Absolutely LOVE IT! Please continue with it :(
A word chapter 12 . 5/22/2011
...A few months. A few months. You said that, didn't you? and that was... a year or so ago? Congratulations. Someones word doesn't seem that trustworthy, hmm? NOW can I kill you? Because I read this a LONG time ago. Then I come back all hopeful, 'It must be done by now!' And what do I find? NOT a SINGLE difference in its state. God help us. The only excuse you have is that you're dead, and even that is weak. Necromancy should be allowed in these circumstances.

Ok, enough with the seriously offended reader. Now to the pleading one. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE...
chat noire chapter 12 . 7/19/2010
It's summer vacation now, so can you please update?
wsxokn chapter 12 . 6/15/2010
I really like this story, and I'll review often; please post more soon!
MC11 chapter 12 . 1/7/2010
Keep going! I like it! I don't think Bran should discover just yet; keep the ruse going a bit longer.
jayjay616 chapter 12 . 12/11/2009
Until summer! That's a long time. I haven't given you meaningful critiques on your other chapters, but I've been enjoying your story immensely. Please finish it at some point!
HRHPrincessTricia chapter 12 . 11/26/2009
Hey. Okay. I can sort of under your reasoning. Just a little. But, do you think it would be at all possible to put a chapter up on April 1st, 2010? It's just that I turn 15 on that day, and that would be the best thing that could happen, I could get up, and log on, and see that message that tells me that you've updated my favorite story on this site. I know you don't know me at all, but I read every chapter the second I get the email, even if it means being late to school. So would you please just think about it? is spring really that far away from summer?


math music reading chapter 11 . 10/31/2009
ihink Bran should learn Mel's identity since she would be honest with him but my question now is who was Mel's mother and who was Bran's? I'm wondering exactly how you changed the story. I doubt Galdran actually believes that Bran kidnapped Mel though, he's probably trying to cover up how she tricked him with this story. I like that you make Vidanric realistic in this fic, he's not an all powerful genius, especially when he's tired and distressed. Of course, I could be the one wrong and Galdran could be completely mad. I'm wondering about the Russav part though. I really hope he's not going to be fighting with Vidranric over her.
Mrs. Dom Masbolle chapter 11 . 10/30/2009
this is a very good chapter... I can't wait to find out what galdran meant by the father/son thing... and I love how he is clearing mel of blame ... lol..

I personally think it matters not whether bran finds out about mel because she is helping him... but it'd probably be better to have him find out sooner rather than later...

please update soon!
Mrs. Dom Masbolle chapter 10 . 10/18/2009
I would hope that Bran doesn't die because you have given him something extra in this story, I'd think he'd have a bit more fire and passion than the happy-go-lucky bran in the novel, but he also will be fiercly loyal to Mel when she and Danric take the throne... (which will happen because that is the happy ending i want! LOL)...

I'd say have Danric try to get her because he now knows how committed she is against her father and he knows she can be trusted... but maybe make it different than the novel...

please update soon!
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