Reviews for The Hard Way To Learn A Lesson
twilightobession chapter 41 . 8/10/2023
Oh, I love that Edward and Alice are healing.
twilightobession chapter 40 . 8/9/2023
I like them going on a double date. Bella is going to have one hell of a headache.
twilightobession chapter 39 . 8/9/2023
I'm so happy he played for her.
twilightobession chapter 38 . 8/8/2023
Edward with the baby is too funny. Thanks for giving us some of Esme's pov
twilightobession chapter 37 . 8/8/2023
Alice is changing toward Edward. I also can wait to find out what happened with Esme. Why has Edward never played her song for her?
twilightobession chapter 36 . 8/8/2023
Oooo, I can't wait to see Edward as a daddy.
twilightobession chapter 35 . 8/8/2023
I can't believe Bella jumped off the cliff. What Edward did as a joke was mean. But the dancing was sweet.
twilightobession chapter 34 . 8/6/2023
Charlie is cracking me up. I am so glad that they were honest with each other.
twilightobession chapter 33 . 8/6/2023
If Edward is soooo in love with her he needs to quit hiding their relationship.
twilightobession chapter 32 . 8/6/2023
Loved this chapter
twilightobession chapter 31 . 8/5/2023
Poor kids. They have it bad for each other.
twilightobession chapter 30 . 8/5/2023
I can't wait to find out what happened with Alice and Edward
twilightobession chapter 29 . 8/4/2023
Oooo, I have had a hangover once. It was HORRIBLE!
twilightobession chapter 28 . 8/4/2023
Poor Bella. She is going to have a horrible headache in the morning.
twilightobession chapter 27 . 8/4/2023
Wow, action going on at the party.
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