Reviews for Life Note
Amazing chapter 10 . 4/2/2014
But is there no more chapters?
eeveepkmnfan chapter 1 . 4/21/2011
Aww~! Chibi L is so cute! :3 Nice chapter, too! :D
A skeleton chapter 1 . 1/20/2011
RoseKuran chapter 10 . 4/2/2010
you should write the next chapter
yellowsummer chapter 10 . 1/5/2010
"And the tooth fairy is in my room right now.."

That made me laugh for some reason...

This was a really cute chapter.
Death-Note-Zelda-Kitty chapter 10 . 12/30/2009
wait...are you saying...that santa is real! 0.0 im sorry santa im sorry i didnt believe in you! anyway good job on giving light coal because he doesnt deserve anything no presents at all! and the note what will he tell the kids...
AngieXRosyX chapter 10 . 12/29/2009
I love this story it's so cute! Mello and L are my favorite! Please update soon!
Snowy chapter 10 . 12/28/2009
Adorable! Cute! Hiliarious! And somehow completely keeping in character! Seriously, this is the best fanfic for Death Note I've read so far. Greak work!
flames04 chapter 10 . 12/28/2009
hahahahahahahaha Santa knows that Light is Kira and that he turned L and co. into kids! :)) Update soon pls.!
flames04 chapter 9 . 12/15/2009
LOL I like this fic I actually sent it to all mah friends and theyre still reading it...hehehehe Misa not smart enough HA! She so sux! anyway...I didnt know that L is so active when he was...5? or 6 now...anyway hope ya update soon!~~!
Death-Note-Zelda-Kitty chapter 9 . 12/14/2009
yay school and of course they are too smart i mean seriously the teachers would freak out lol awesome chapter!
Wihtiko chapter 9 . 12/14/2009
And you're back in the game!
yellowsummer chapter 9 . 12/14/2009
Naaws now thats really cute.

Poor Light...and Sayu's hobo motel! XD

Keep it up!
HaikuAwakening chapter 8 . 11/4/2009
I hope that everything goes alright for you! Take your time sorting out your family and personal issues, good luck!
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