Reviews for Bonding
Sally Moony chapter 45 . 5/12/2020
Love it
Hoku808 chapter 154 . 5/11/2020
I have reread this story again, and I am still amazed by it. I hope that you are well and one day is able to finish this amazing story.
kneelinfrontofthequeen chapter 14 . 5/8/2020
So, i am reading this one more, and it makes my heart flutter! I love everything about it! Helena and Harold, and Minerva being so utterly Minerva about her health and quite reserved in a way which rings true But the reason I have decided to comment here and now is that l really appreciate Harry and his tender feelings for Minerva. Thanks a lot for writing, and I am very much looking forward to the next 140 chaptersor more
SteadfastnessOfSoul chapter 154 . 5/4/2020
Thank you for all the effort and care you have put into this story. It’s absolutely phenomenal! While I hope the muse strikes and that you’re inclined to finish this story, it has been truly enjoyable to read, regardless. I will definitely be revisiting this story frequently.
LamaeBeolfag chapter 1 . 5/2/2020
This is my third time reading this epic, and each time I am more and more blown away. Asouldreams, you are such an incredible author. I hope all is well with you, and do sincerely hope to see how you will end this incredible story.
Bethany Owens chapter 154 . 4/28/2020
Beautiful as always, I reread this whole thing as isolation has given me time to cry and cheer and feel with my favorite friends here. Your words come to life and I feel as if I'm a part of the story. Cant' wait to see what will occur next. Hope all is well with you and that you are safe during these hard times.
Hermerva chapter 86 . 4/26/2020
She deserves YOU Minerva. Damnit.
As always, heartbreaking
SchaMG chapter 154 . 4/23/2020
Awesome i cant't wait more the next chapter
SteadfastnessOfSoul chapter 71 . 4/23/2020
I’m leaving a comment here, as I’m not even halfway through what’s published of this wonderful story and am completely enthralled by it. Thank you so much for the amount of work you put into this. It’s one of the best stories I’ve ever read and look forward to reading the rest.
X chapter 154 . 4/22/2020
I knew it couldn't be over yet, simultaneously relieved and disappointed. I can only hope you come back and finish the story at some point but, even if you never do it has been an unforgettable ride and I thank you again for putting the story online.
Hope you are doing well during this quaruntine time.
HouseOfSeekers chapter 154 . 4/21/2020
Opened Bonding back up for a reread, and hold up a second... today, precisely a year back, was the last update? Coincidence much? I think not. So I decided to drop a quick line before I start my marathon read.

I hope my favourite Hermione/Minerva author is doing well in these uncertain and scary times. Be safe.
Hermerva chapter 85 . 4/20/2020
I can't believe Minerva is being so obstinate about being with Hermione when it's so *obvious* she wants to be with her
Hermerva chapter 84 . 4/19/2020
No, I can't say that I did enjoy that between the tears.
Looking for it to get a bit less sad, but I'm sure there's more tears to be had before this is over
Hermerva chapter 83 . 4/19/2020
Yet another chapter that I had trouble reading. Again, well written, but I've never been one for angst
Hermerva chapter 82 . 4/19/2020
I love fics where Jean is super smart and pays attention to Hermione.
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