Reviews for Bonding |
X chapter 57 . 4/14/2020 Hi there, I started reading this story a few years ago and finished it up to the last chapter posted at the time; not sure how much farther it is now, or even if its done. I came back to it because of the current quaruntine, and saw it had been updated more recently than I remembered. And instead of trying to find my old place I decided to start it over. It's a work that honestly changed my experience with reading in general and it's a delight to come back to as every scene still hits as it did the first time even though I know where it's going(mostly). I absolutely adore this story and its so believable to me that I've accidentally replaced details of the books with ones from your story on more than one occasion. I'm an avid Minerva/Hermione reader while also enjoying Minerva/Albus stories and I love the way you combine them. I think that the type of person Minerva would be would require quite a bit of build up to begin a relationship with someone, especially when in this case it technically goes against her innate loyalty to Dumbledore. Slow burn is an incredible understatement, but I think thats what sets your story apart. The relationships are *part* of the plot, an important part of course but, not nearly the whole thing. Additionally, the incredible details and ingenuity wrapped up in this story are mind blowing. Thank you for putting it out into the world. I hope you and those you care for are doing well despite the current virus. I look forward to enjoying the rest of the story, and re-reading your other work as well as tigertales' stories |
Hermerva chapter 67 . 4/14/2020 I was enjoying the day very much, as a massage sounds wonderful right about now, but I'm not enjoying how Bonnie is so pissed at Hermione. |
Hermerva chapter 66 . 4/14/2020 What a magnificent party! Really wonderful how you wrote the dances, too. Especially the Tango. ;) |
Hermerva chapter 65 . 4/14/2020 My heart broke for Hermione in this chapter! I feel so bad for what she went through with Ron. I will say, however, that I enjoyed how you ended this, with Minerva fully coming to terms with her feelings. |
Hermerva chapter 64 . 4/13/2020 I love envisioning Rory and "Katherine" dancing. It's beautiful! |
Hermerva chapter 63 . 4/12/2020 Well, I'm glad they at least made up! |
Hermerva chapter 62 . 4/12/2020 I feel so bad that Minerva has so much strife in her life. It really sucks that she's always fighting someone. |
Hermerva chapter 61 . 4/12/2020 I'm enjoying the subtle ways Minerva's aches are beginning to show in Hermione. Like they're basically becoming bound on accident. |
Hermerva chapter 60 . 4/12/2020 I'm so proud of Hermione! I like Kane, hope we see him again. And Elgin is just so sweet |
Hermerva chapter 59 . 4/11/2020 AHHHH! What a place to leave it! I mean, of course Hermione can, but dammit Godric! Also, I love the way Minerva is opening up to Hermione. It's wonderful |
Hermerva chapter 58 . 4/10/2020 Airways love seeing Minerva with the children. :) |
Hermerva chapter 57 . 4/10/2020 You ask in this chapter if you've successfully maneuvered this story into a Hermione/Minerva pairing from a Minerva/Albus. I would have to say yes, definitely. The reader can feel the love of Albus and Minerva and can tell it's real, but you are also beautifully building the relationship between Hermione and Minerva |
Hermerva chapter 56 . 4/10/2020 it's getting so juicy! But I will admit, I just want them to kiss already Love the way you've built up the tension |
Hermerva chapter 55 . 4/10/2020 Oof. There's always so much going on! |
Hermerva chapter 54 . 4/10/2020 It's so good. Can't wait to keep reading. Only took me a global pandemic to finally read this bad boy |