Reviews for Bonding
catalyst chapter 7 . 8/5/2009
You know you are quite good at this writing thing. Lots of perspective, backstory and introduction you have woven into this chapter. Managing the whole time to keep the story moving along and the reader interested. So many times this info is given in strickly exposition form from one character and it slows down the story. Nice little beat with Helena and Hr, all the healing/treating is in the background while Helena is giving info. Great job as you always do. You give the reader so much in each scene - visual, sound, feeling, POV..much better than any movie, even MB or JB.

Having read this, given it a little time and come back to read it again I would like to point out some images that stay with the "Double, chin. Gaudy yellow robes"...don't we all know someone who has made that kind of impression.

Hogwarts Watch...

The scene again with Helena, nice bit with the crystal being removed from her shoulder, just makes you go OW.

And the image of Minerva, burned to a crisp, bloody, pushing her way through the dirt with one good leg to get to the is one that you (reader) and (I daresay Hermione) can't forget anytime soon.

I can't wait for the next update.

Thanks for speeding up the updates.
Amor-Sorprendente chapter 9 . 8/4/2009
I have been following both Bonded and Tomorrow Too and I have to say that your work is truly exceptional. The plots are strong and interesting and both the canon and original characters seem very real. I love your portrayal of Minerva and Hermione and their relationship. Also, the character of Helena is very intriguing. I don't feel that I know a whole lot about her, but as she is Minerva's best friend, there are certain traits that I would assume she possesses. I think it would be very interesting if there was a scene where Hermione and Helena bonded (in a nonviolent way) over their experiences with Minerva. Also, that evil chuckle you mentioned in your A/N sounds very promising. I absolutely cannot wait to read the next chapter! Anyways, keep up the good work!

And about updating on the corresponding chapter date, I think that is a good idea, but that maybe you shouldn't leave weeks in between updates. You could lose readers (and consequently reviewers. And we all know how writers love their reviews. )

And as for Tomorrow Too, I love that story as well. It kind of has the same feel as Bonded, but at the same time it’s different. It’s really a great story. And yes, you should definitely continue it, because we don’t need another non-happy ending out there. But no pressure. ;).

And last but not least, I can’t wait to see where Deceiving Appearances goes. It is also an exemplary piece of fanfiction. That last chapter was a very interesting twist; I just hope everything gets solved. I can’t wait for the next update!

So, in review: your stories are amazing, you’re a really good writer, and keep writing!
rookie802 chapter 9 . 8/3/2009
Although I would like to see more involvement with m/Hr, I also like how this isn't going to be a rushed relationship!

Great idea for a story and I cannot wait to read more.
Amer chapter 9 . 8/3/2009
I really love this story after every chapter and constantly look to see if it's updated. Love Helena along with Hermione and Minerva of course! As for the updating, I'd love to see daily updates but if you try to follow the original's probable that you may have huge breaks inbetween and for some that could be a little annoying but also trouble for you as a writer because you may feel like you want to write the christmas chapter or another holiday and then you still have a month to go till that real date. All in all I think it's an ok idea... it just can be a bit hard as a writer and for a reader if you drag this out too long. But it is up to you. All in all really really good story.
minerva's-kitten chapter 9 . 8/3/2009
Oh come on Min just take Hermione. We both know next to Albus Mione is the only other option worthy of thinking about!
entre-lagrimas-y-suspiros chapter 9 . 8/3/2009
Have mentioned that you're a genius? If not then I'm truly sorry. This was amazing. It was so good all around. First its a huge insight into Minerva's life and character, and second it set a path towards the future. Now don't get me wrong I'm not thinking Minerva should seduce Hermione or anything like it, in fact I think that would ruin what up to now has been an incredible story, but I see a way forward for them not just the animagus problem but also the prophecy(or whatever it was) that Helena read. Its there the future waiting for them. I absolutely love the story and (though I don't usually like original characters) I fall more in love with Helena with each chapter.

About the posting idea, I think its fabulous. I might miss the story when you don't post for a few week but then thats just more time to reread it. LOl.

Ok I think I rambled enough.

xox, xio
JadeRios chapter 9 . 8/3/2009
I think you are fabulous lol. I cannot wait to see what you have coming to them, I am very excited. Great have hooked me in :)
fan-rei chapter 9 . 8/3/2009
so Johannes kidnapes minerva and get with her when she can't resist and he wins?

i don't remember : does your hermione has an animagus form? what if both ladies get in heat at the same time?
hermin22 chapter 9 . 8/3/2009
It was great as always. Poor Minerva...and how the hell is your mind able to come up with idea like that? lol!

As for the is an interesting idea. I think the weekly update is a better idea though. A few weeks is a bit long between the updates and as much as i'd love daily updates, i feel that it is really nice to have something to look forward to every week.

But it is your decision of course, and i will go with whatever you decide. Really well done!
Ginger McGonagall chapter 9 . 8/3/2009
Loving it! I simply cannot wait to see if Hermione and Minerva get together. And Helena is just wonderful, such a brilliant character. I eagerly await the next installment.

Take care,

Paige x
dhdeleted chapter 9 . 8/3/2009
Another excellent chapter - I'm really enjoying this story, especially as it is quite different from other fanfics recently posted. I'm so pleased that there is still decent fanfic out there! Great job, as always, and please update soon!
entre-lagrimas-y-suspiros chapter 8 . 8/3/2009
I really enjoyed this as usual. I specially loved the part where Sirius interrupts the conversation between Hermione, Ginny, and Harry and instantly assumes its Minerva.

Lovely update, Friday can't come soon enough.
minerva's-kitten chapter 8 . 8/1/2009
I'd rather duel with Minerva or Dumbledore. Now you know there's a ton of imagination going on there! XD

Good drama. My curiosity is killing all my cats. I may not have any left by the time this story reaches the point mine and Hermione's questions are answered.
hermin22 chapter 8 . 8/1/2009
I know i repeat myself, but i can't help it. This is really fantastic!
Ginger McGonagall chapter 8 . 8/1/2009
Loved it. I look forward to the next chapter. Please UD soon.

Take care,

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