Reviews for Bonding
MadgeM chapter 6 . 7/23/2009
I'm on tenterhooks!

What a well-conceived and suspenseful story; your characterizations are quite believable and I feel quite intrigued. I do wonder what's behind Kingsley's unreasonable behavior, what's going on in his head.

Eagerly awaiting the next chapter,

minerva's-kitten chapter 6 . 7/23/2009
Come on Hermione think! You know who it is!

Is it possible Hermione could save Minerva?
hermin22 chapter 6 . 7/23/2009
This is really the best i have read for quite a while. It is absolutely fantastic!
Ginger McGonagall chapter 6 . 7/23/2009
Love it! Every last word. Please, please update soon. I cannot wait for the next chapter.

Take care,

Paige x
owlofathena chapter 5 . 7/22/2009
I'm generally a bit wary of Uber-powerful characters with mysterious pasts, but looking forward to the next chapter. I'm particularly curious about the 'spark' between Minerva and Hermione that was hinted at in the Prologue.
entre-lagrimas-y-suspiros chapter 5 . 7/20/2009
Brilliant update, luv. Can't wait till next week.
catalyst chapter 5 . 7/19/2009
Wow! Thanks for the long update. Great job at having all the varied people stay true and really sound in character, even the Daily Prophet. Love George, with his dragonhide boots and rotating face coin. Always wanted a scene where somebody told off the Minister, sorry it is Kingsley but it looks like he is as big a fool as all the others.

Can't wait for the next update. Thanks for sharing.
dhdeleted chapter 5 . 7/17/2009
Fantastic chapter, as always - I'm really enjoying this story, and I hope you update soon!
minerva's-kitten chapter 5 . 7/17/2009
INteresting. I'm with Hermione though...I want answers!
hermin22 chapter 5 . 7/17/2009
It was amazing and next week seems such a long time... I am counting the days!
nightowl8240 chapter 4 . 7/14/2009
This is really good so far. I like how you have made Minerva stay in character while exploring her personality. Please update soon!
hermin22 chapter 4 . 7/12/2009
Wow i am speechless. That was brilliant and i am counting the day for the next update!
catalyst chapter 4 . 7/10/2009

You pack so much into every scene.

She remained motionless as the fire pressed down upon her…and then she waved her right hand into her left…and a solitary tear rose off her cheek as the fire’s flames licked her body. - Your attention to detail and specific word usage just make it come to life in your head while reading. (she wasn't just standing, she was motionless; the fire wasn't just near her , it was pressing down on her; not just a tear , but a solidary tear; not just one hand into the other but, right into left; flames licked her body.) and you do this, its like a rich decadent dessert.

Great how you showed us the scene from the different angles, and still kept it fast paced. Loved the image of MM marching at Johannes, with purpose, hair loose, face smudged, scorched robes, cloak billowing, swatting spells as if a pesky mosquito. Every inch the most powerful witch of her age..brilliant!

Funny stuff too, loved the snippets of commentary - just missing George (and Fred) on the sidelines stating, "wicked".

“I would highly suggest you take your hand off your wand, Miss Parkinson.” Minerva’s clear voice ringing in the air, “As I can assure you I will not be spending my evening in Azkaban, but you may very well be spending yours in St. Mungos. go Minerva! perfect and funny!

You can so see married Ron wining just like that... still checking information from Hermione. Always did see them as great friends, not lovers (what was JK thinking) how you are separating them without beating up on Ron, or morphing him into a really ugly person.

Thank you so much for this wonderful and long update.

Can't wait for the next installment...
dhdeleted chapter 4 . 7/10/2009
Excellent chapter. I really enjoyed the description of the duel, as well as its subsequent effects on the characters. I hope you update soon!
Artemidora chapter 4 . 7/10/2009
Ooh, excellent. I can't wait for more updates.

I loved when MM transfigured the coins. Old and weak, my arse!

Great pacing, by the way.

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