Reviews for Bonding
BellaBerry12 chapter 127 . 7/18/2021
if she is actually dead I'm going to CRYYYYYY OMG PLS LAWWWD DONT DO THIS
BellaBerry12 chapter 117 . 7/18/2021
Tessa is the worst daughter ever, who the fuck tells their mother they wish they had died what an actual cunt, disgusting person, idc if you're hurt, she is constantly being horrible to her dying mother like fuck off somewhere else if you're going to be a bitch to your DYING mother and ruin her last few days on earth by hurting her. it's like her mission is to ruin Minerva's happiness or something jeeze
BellaBerry12 chapter 110 . 7/18/2021
holy shit Hermione that is so savage I mean I felt personally attacked
BellaBerry12 chapter 98 . 7/18/2021
97 chapters in and ffs JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY OR HAVE ANY PROGRESS WHAT SO EVER JFC ITS DRAGGING ON. I mean this is more of a George/Rory story at this point because they have more relationship than H/M like I wanted to read a H/M story and when I saw this was long I was like yay maybe a good slow burn, but there is slow burn and then there is this xD are they going to get together once the story is almost over? Cuz I'm still waiting for any ANYY fluff or romance or anything at all I've been reading for 3 days, I feel bad for those who waited years if they read for H/M oof I would of died having to wait weeks for a chapter then being disappointed. the story is good but the first chapter a.n made it seem like it was going to be more of a relationship focused IMO. if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have an issue with it, but I came in here for something and got the compleat opposite. That A.N. bamboozled the fuck out of me and I'm so disappointed cuz it's dragged on beyond the point that even I who reads non stop has grown bored. once again ONLY CUZ I EXPECTED SOMETHING DIFFERENT. I don't like to hope for one thing then get the complete opposite. I'm sure they will get together but Jesus 97 chapters and 3 straight days of reading (yes I have zero life blame corona) has got me ughhh
BellaBerry12 chapter 64 . 7/17/2021
BellaBerry12 chapter 60 . 7/17/2021
so much George and Rory smutiness o_o um... not what I signed up for but okay I guess
BellaBerry12 chapter 54 . 7/17/2021
tfw more George and Rory relationship than the main couple I crylisten it's been 54 mega long chapters in getting impatient xD
BellaBerry12 chapter 44 . 7/16/2021
omg Minerva is done taking Kingsley's shit xD I LOVE IT YESSSSSSS
BellaBerry12 chapter 43 . 7/16/2021
this is so good, I feel like Albus can feel Minerva's attraction to Hermione? am I right?
BellaBerry12 chapter 26 . 7/15/2021
this is moving at a snails pase, slow burn of slow burns, and I am not complaining since the story is quite good, I just want some fluff SOON 25 chapters in and I'm having fluff withdrawal xD
arynjesi chapter 154 . 7/1/2021
I found this story a few years ago and was absolutely riveted! I lost the website for a while, but recently found it again and when I saw this was still here I had to follow and favorite. I just read through for my second time and was floored by how captivated I was (especially for a reread!), I'm glad to be caught up again. I haven't been able to focus on anything else beyond this story for a few days (ok, about a week, it is huge) and I am eagerly awaiting the next installment!
Lirthea chapter 154 . 7/1/2021
First of all, if you wanna cry - Without You by Ursine Vulpine, it's a perfect song for this fic and my heart breaks even more every time I listen to it.
Okay. I am not alright. I just binge-read this fic and oh my, so many emotions.
I have no idea where to begin, but I know for sure, this is a masterpiece.
Your original characters are so well created, dimensional, so real and I love them, I mean, at this point, I can't believe they are not canon. I love Helena with my whole heart and her relationship with Harold and Minerva. And Minerva's children? Oh my, I am here for every bit of their dynamics, all of this fit canon so well.
And Minerva and Hermione? How? How you created something so real? The way they start to know each other, open up, fall in love, hurt each other. My heart.
Minerva, my sweet Minerva. I want her to be happy, safe and have some peace and I want to cry because she deserves everything.
This fic is a large piece of art. I mean, it's long but every word is worth it. The way you build that story, no rush, layer after layer. And it all makes sense, it's not just another complicated story, but everything is so well-thought, nothing happens without a reason here.
And oh my, I never knew how much I needed this.
Words cannot describe how amazing this story is and I would love to see more, of course. I know it's been a while since you last updated but I have my hope. I am going to wait, patiently, because that story is so incredible and I can't remember when was a last time I felt so many emotions reading something.
I hope you are well and we will hear from you one day. For now, I thank you for almost two weeks of joy and tears and every other possible emotion in between.
Thank you
VoxReginae chapter 31 . 6/14/2021
I have been devouring this story over the past day and I am greatly enjoying it. I felt compelled to share a strange coincidence with you. You listed February 25, 2010 which also happens to be the day my father died. Out of all the days for Minerva's projected death, it being that specific day struck a chord with me.
Additionally, if no one mentioned it to you before, earlier you referred to the Centaur' s males as gildings. If this is a reference to the term for a castrated male horse, it would be gelding(s).
Much love and affection, Abby
Guest chapter 154 . 6/9/2021
I really love this story. If you are feeling inspired, please update it!
quadernoproibito chapter 154 . 5/24/2021
An incredible journey thus far. So detailed. Hope you continue!
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