Reviews for Bonding
VirginiaGreer chapter 153 . 4/23/2021
Omg I can’t believe this hasn’t been updated since 19. That is mental. I’ll re read until the next chapter comes. This is by far my favourite fanfic of any fiction!
Hope your well, your ever anticipating fan
HouseOfSeekers chapter 1 . 4/21/2021
Just your yearly reminder that this story is loved and updates, no matter how irregular, are missed. Stay safe.
bringmemyqueen chapter 154 . 4/12/2021
I first read this story last summer and had to come back for a second time, very glad I did because I feel i got so much more during my re-read. My first go after Minerva came back i just went into hyperdrive trying to see how far the story would go and didn’t truly enjoy it as I should. WARNING: theorizing ahead!

I’m really picked up on all the details you’ve been carefully laying out in the story and now have all my little theories collected. The temporal circular stuff has me thinking Merlyn is an offspring (one of 2 by the sounds of this last chapter) of Hermione and Minerva, the one her mother told her would be the seer. That’s how the manor was passed down to Minerva through blood, because she and Hermione (HJM) are the two blasted off the tapestry, the beginning of the family tree. Also explains Xavis’ life debt to repay a couple who saved their ancestors as well as the pair of them creating the stone that is the heart of hogwarts. The circle of Hermione and Minerva being together and being both the end and beginning of all of this is just *chefs kiss* and I can’t wait to see if that’s where it’s all been building.

Another thing I noticed both times was the little sprinklings of Canadian mentions throughout the story, which has me thinking you must an author living in/or with a connection to BC because who else would ever mention a prison in British Columbia! hahah, along with the Canadian bacon and many “chesterfieldsreminds me of my Granny). Anywho so excited for any update you bestow upon us. I love all the words you write and am always hungry for more.
Sue chapter 154 . 4/10/2021
Please keep going. This is by far my favourite fanfic. Wonderfully written with a marvellous plot.
Anne chapter 154 . 3/31/2021
I love this story and I’ve read it many times. I know a lot of craziness it going on in reality which makes it harder to write. But please continue with this story
ixelenaxi chapter 154 . 3/29/2021
I have read non stop to get to this point and I truly hope you will consider finishing it at some point! I admire the dedication and quality of the story as well!
LadyAthena's chapter 1 . 2/25/2021
Just stopped in to read this story again. I love the detail to the story line, you keep one captivated and wanting more. Alas we can only hope that one day the story will be completed. Hope we live on it...
Molly Weasley is a badass chapter 2 . 2/11/2021
I hope that one day this story will be finished and we will finally learn how Hermione and Minerva find themselves bound and the parents of Merlin!
Molly Weasley is a badass chapter 1 . 2/10/2021
Back again for a reread in hopes that you will revisit this masterpiece
Guest chapter 154 . 1/22/2021
Please please please, i beg of you, don't stop (as selfish as that request is.)

This story has been absolutely amazing and I need to know what happens next. I have so many questions and i am so invested i actually have dreams about it
It's been one of the few things that has been keeping me sane during this crazy pandemic among other things in my life and for a while its been utter bliss to just sink into a wonderfully written, beautifully imagined story.

I hope you are doing well and that you and yours are safe. Thank you for putting so much time and energy into this, its wonderful.

Hopefully waiting,

margaretrevie chapter 154 . 1/15/2021
Having reread this in its entirety for the first time in 8 years, all I can say is that I hope you’re well, I hope you continue this, and I thank you for all of your work on it. It’s been a boon to my soul during a very difficult time.
Ashley Nicole B chapter 154 . 1/9/2021
Wow... it took me 3 months to finally get caught up on this story. I have been following this story for at least 8 years, probably more and this is one of my top 3 fan fiction stories I have ever read... and I have easily been reading fan fiction for over 20 years.

Great Job, as always!

Blanchie69 chapter 9 . 12/21/2020
Not actually a review specifically on Chapter 8, lol, just wanted to find a chapter I hadn't reviewed yet.

I hope 2020 has been treating you well, and know that you still have fans that will stick with you and your stories regardless of the update frequency. Hoping to see an update soon, and eagerly awaiting finding out what'll happen. :)
Adreob chapter 2 . 12/15/2020
Aaah...this story went away with my heart the first time I've read it. After all this time I still think about your wonderful charakters and how you drafted a new level in this HP-universe. Now I tried several times to reread Bonding - with hope and fear of immersing myself again into you story. Why? Because it's so good and I know that it will end with this incredible, heartbreaking cliffhanger...
I love your work, thank you so much and hope you are safe - especially in this days.
Bethany Owens chapter 154 . 12/14/2020
So amazing! I keep rereading this story every few months and I just can't get enough. cant wait to read the rest! hope all is well during these hard times
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