Reviews for Bonding
Guest chapter 154 . 12/12/2020
I LOVE THIS STORY! It took me a long time to read it. So that was nice because it kept my focus and interest. I hope you update again soon. I love how you have the characters and all the extra you've added I just love it
susanweese chapter 136 . 12/6/2020
On my third reread and I am just as enthralled with this tale as the first. Haven’t been able to put it down for the last week.
Tonks7777777 chapter 1 . 12/3/2020
Oh! And that scene with the sunrise was just beautiful! Totally worth the wait 3
Tonks7777777 chapter 154 . 12/3/2020
Wowwww in some ways I feel I have been reading this forever, but in others it seems it’s over wayyy too fast! I haven’t been able to put this down for the past 2-3 weeks, and I can’t believe I’ve reached the end of what’s been written! What a cliffhanger! I can’t wait to read more :D please please update this! It’s so amazing, well thought out, complex, and emotionally intense. What a roller coaster! I really hope it has a nice happy ending haha! At least for Minerva and Hermione 3 thank you so much for writing this.
Trafalgar1 chapter 154 . 11/24/2020
I just found this story and it's been a lovely read, I know it's been a while but please continue it at some point. Thank you
Rogue13 chapter 136 . 11/6/2020
rereading ever so slowly because of these hectic times but damn do these characters get me every time. I found bonding just as I was questioning who I was, some time 2013, and reread it at least once a you for being part of my journey to acceptance. This work will forever hold a place in my heart
Guest chapter 66 . 10/24/2020
I've always loved this chapter.
swrael chapter 1 . 10/13/2020
Hello, what i can say?
Just magical, you write so perfectly, and i imagine it take so long to write it !
I hope you are fine.
A french lector.
minderismeer chapter 92 . 10/11/2020
The relationships between Minerva and magical creatures is just amazing. One of my favourite things in this story. The deep loving friendship between Rioblo and Minerva is really great!
amoore2b chapter 154 . 10/10/2020
Still, after all theses years, the best story ever.
minderismeer chapter 66 . 10/9/2020
This chapter was absolutely brillant! I love the lightness and absolute joy radiating from the writing of the dancing. Having Minerva dance with the children is so damn cute and heartfelt. Minerva definitely knows how to throw a party. I actually laughed out loud reading this chapter. To top it with great magic, a cute scene with Rose and Minerva, Bonnies' and Hermione's realisations makes it definitely a favourite. However, this whole damn story is so wonderfully written, that I can not post enough reviews, because I always want to read the next chapter as soon as possible. Thank you so much for sharing your brilliance with us.
minderismeer chapter 36 . 10/5/2020
I also miss Fawkes! Just starting this story and I'm overwhelmed with how good it is. Love the powerful, but also very human and considerate, Minerva you sketch. Absolutely amazing. The interactions with the centaurs was brilliantly done. The duels are incredibly descriptive. The relationships between Minerva and family, friends and staff is so real. And... of course, I love the growing understanding between Minerva and Hermione. Also, loved the sweet scene between Minerva and Rose & Hugo. Cannot wait to read more!
Rogue13 chapter 121 . 9/23/2020
Hermione's The One and somehow she and Minerva travel alongside (or separate from) filius back to the beginning and are the mysterious founders of the mcgonagall line!
Guest chapter 154 . 9/7/2020
The world is in a funny state, mid-pandemic so I returned to read bonding again. It is fantastic and I can't thank you enough for the hours of enjoyment and distraction it has given me.
Thank you, and all the best to you and yours in these difficult times.
Guest chapter 152 . 9/7/2020
Thank you for making things right between Minerva, Hugo and Rose. Honestly, for a heart-wrenching story, the chapter where Minerva first hurts them was one of the hardest to read. You have engaged me so much in the characters that your writing can't help but evoke strong emotions.
You're a star - thank you!
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