Reviews for A Mirkwood Spider Landed On My Front Porch
Aria Breuer chapter 1 . 12/28/2013
So far, this story has a good beginning. I wonder if it is true, that a Mirkwood spider really did land on your porch. If that is the case, then you are not the first, as I myself have had an experience or two with something most people would hardly believe.

I look forward to reading more.

Aria Breuer
fantasychica37 chapter 6 . 7/21/2013
The Almighty Pickle Lord XD chapter 3 . 7/17/2013
I'm going to die unless I review. T.T
The Almighty Pickle Lord XD chapter 2 . 7/17/2013
This is awesome and entertainingly funny! (Also I don't want to get eaten by a spider. They terrify me to death. Honestly if I even saw her I would die on the spot. T.T)
Daisycooper chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
This is brilliant and don't worry this happened to me before! Please read my story the fellowship are completely insane and you will see exactly what happened!
Yuki Suou chapter 6 . 4/17/2013
*trying to empathize with u. Then falls of laughing*
Eneicia Took chapter 2 . 12/25/2012
Eeep, don't open the closet! :P
Eneicia chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
Now I want a visit from Legs *giggles* It's a cute, light story :D I like it
Sephira Vanya Estelwen chapter 6 . 12/15/2012
... O_O don't know what to say except awesome and funny story. _
Peragar chapter 4 . 11/15/2012
Haha, spraying an energy drink all over my keyboard! :-)) Thranduil on a toilet!
But I can aunderstand you completely I have currently Haldir in my bathroom. :-) And in my bed at nighttime, actually there are three of us in my bed. I sleep in the middle with Haldir to my left and one Severus Snape to my right. You see there is a small fandom conflict going on at my place, the characters from LOTR and Harry Potter pining for my attention. And just recently a third fandom has been added to the mix and Loki and the Avengers are curiously peeking around the corner. So we'll have to make place for a fourth in my bed (plenty of space anyway as I'm a lone divorced mother with two children) or I will make them a schedule and they will take turns. I just can't choose I love them all. :-))
Hamfast Gamgee chapter 1 . 11/12/2012
Well, thats one way to get reviews, have a pet spider eat lurkers who dont review. Must try that one myself! Theres nothing wrong with fluff, I rather like it myself at times. Good tale, nice to hear things from the Spiders point of view for a change, don't often get that! They had to have feelings to though I get the impression that they and Hobbits don't get on. After all two of the greatest spider slayers in history were Halflings. Strange that. I used to have fear of spiders when I was little, but as an adult have gotten over it. Anyway, good droll tale, Ham.
Guest chapter 4 . 11/11/2012
Man that was funny! Elves "DO" what? I don't exactly like um never mind sentence endings. And the thought of Legolas and Gimli sharing a bed. They'd try to kill each other under the covers, use the same covers to bury each other, and act like all was normal. Obviously, neither would be dead, it would just be ketchup, and they'd repeat the process day after day. And thanks for clarifying that they are NOT gay.
staleoldmeme chapter 6 . 10/28/2012
SuperPotterWhoLocked Okay chapter 6 . 9/24/2012
I LOVE THIS STORY! THANK YOU FOR WRITING IT! AND tell Legs I'd love to hear some of her stories once in a while. :D thanks!
Sarah Maxime chapter 2 . 8/20/2012
This is a very amusing story. Very. And it's probably the best humor story for LotR fan fiction, too.
I definitely agree, though, with the warnings about LotR. Legolas appeared in my room a couple weeks ago, and boy, has that been weird. (We watched all three movies over the course of the week, and I've had to explain everything from CDs to atomic bombs.). And there's also been trailers popping up on TV at the weirdest times, like the TV hears me. So yeah, I know what you mean! ;)
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