Reviews for Instability
Nuclear Lily chapter 7 . 7/16/2009
this story is just awesome! i'm glad its recently updated :) keep up the great work!
Spiritstrike chapter 7 . 7/16/2009
Wow, talk about deep. Just when you think Optimus is going to open up, he just closes up like a clam before you can reach in to touch the pearl. It's like as if he doesn't want to Sam to find out what he was truly talking about. Poor guy.

I'm loving this story as it goes along. Yes, there are bits of a nearly suicidal Sam, but this is brilliant as far as eyes could even seen. It's sad that Sam is no longer a citizen of the United States, but we all gotta deal with things eveutally.

I'm running out of things to say here because this is such a good story, despite it being only 7 chapters long so far. Yeesh! But, anyway, keep up the good work! You're doing wonderfully!
Shelly chapter 3 . 7/16/2009
I never knew text message conversations could be so meaningful and heart-warming. Great job on the writing, and the concept is very interesting. The emotional impact of war and other traumatic events is so rarely explored.
Ox King chapter 7 . 7/16/2009
Holy moley. What a powerful chapter. So, what's going to happen to Bumblebee when Sam gets old and dies? Without Mikaela and Sam making babies for Bumblebee to look out for, what purpose does the scout have?
kuhekabir chapter 7 . 7/16/2009
i seriously want to know how a sam/bee pairing would work because hello? robot!

anyway, exellent update, yay! :)
Lone Wolf chapter 6 . 7/15/2009
I have been hooked on this story from the start and anxiously awaiting your next update. I cannot tell you how glad I am that you have Ravage survive in your story. I haven't seen too many stories where he does. I wrote my own story where he survives but I don't know if I will be able to post it. Please update ASAP!
Dagger Kitsune chapter 6 . 7/15/2009
I'm about to go old school on you. XD "Cool. Awesome. Nifty. Let's do it." Sam's line made me think of Ratchel from Animorphs. I think this whole chapter did. XD

A really interesting chapter. I loved the Twins. The detail was awesome. I'm going to shut up now... Thanks for the awesome update.

crimsonseastorm chapter 6 . 7/15/2009
WOW! I don't even know where to start with this one. I've been reading it since the beginning although this is my first review. Firstly I want to say you're an amazing writer. Flashbacks/Thoughts intermingled with story is a very difficult thing to do and not something most people are successful at; you however are and it makes this story just that much better to know what's going on in Sam's head. I love the idea of the story as it's rare to see Sam have issues with anything he's being forced to do, forced to witness, or has had happen to him. So you bring a truly unique story to this fandom that causes me to want to sit and reread it again and again.

This last chapter especially...I've felt bad for Sam pretty much the whole fanfic to date but this chapter makes me feel for Bee because in the end he didn't keep his promise to Sam of not hurting him :(. I also kind of feel bad for Optimus he's just trying to work something out (which I think I might have an idea of where that's going or I could be completely wrong but either way) and doesn't want to tell Sam until he's finished but of course Sam's in the middle of a meltdown and doesn't understand. Oh I guess I feel sorry for quite a few people/bots which is awesome because that's just a tribute to how well you write the characters and capture what they're thinking/feeling.

I'm definitely, definitely, definitely waiting for the confrontation and for "all to be revealed" please don't make us wait much longer!
DawnRising chapter 6 . 7/14/2009
Amazing chapter! Man the tension between everyone and the way you go into sam's emotions is perfect. I can't wait for the next chapter, please post it soon!
xxYumiHeartxx chapter 6 . 7/14/2009
What an amazing fic :O I just spent the past hour and half reading all the chapturs and let me just say that you're an incredible writer! *is dazzled*

The way you wrote Sam's breakdown was completely believable. Everyone is completely in character. The twins' banter is hilarious, and while I dislike Mikaela in the movies, you made her very likeable in this story.

Poor Bumblebee and Sam, having to be seperated D: One of my favorite aspects in the TF movies is the relationship between these two, and you captured it perfectly.

I'm really looking forward to the big confrontation in the next chapter. Please update soon!
Celestial Access chapter 6 . 7/13/2009
Why do I have this feeling that they have to tell Sam about Mikaela...? Or am I just wrong? Must read next chapter~ *A*

Funny chapter with the twins! Keep it up, can't wait for the next!
EdwardsSonnet chapter 6 . 7/13/2009
Hold on, was Bee pointing his cannon at Sam?
kemotolvom chapter 6 . 7/13/2009
Hey! Just found this story and I love it! I like the fact that you have Sam breaking down in such a believable manner. I really feel for him and can only imagine how hard it must be to have people running his life for him behind the scenes "for his own good." It actually reminds me of the fifth Harry Potter and Dumbledore's manipulations while Harry tries to gain some semblance of control XD.

Also, I like how you've brought up an issue that most fics tend to forget, that the autobots have been fighting for millions of years and that they are soldiers first and foremost. The logical and creepy way of tailoring their personalities to be best suitable to inspire confidence and trust in humans is a well practiced ploy for them. They hide behind so many different personas and it's only natural for Sam to feel uneasy and confused about this. Most fics never take this approach and I commend you for it!

This story is definitely turning out to be a great one and I can't wait to read more!
Timberwolf chapter 6 . 7/13/2009
Wow, can things get any more messed up for Sam? What are Optimus an Thatcher planning? An poor Bee breaking Sams arm, though in Bee defence he thought they were spy's. Just can't wait to see another chapter.
Coyotillo chapter 6 . 7/13/2009
Great story. :)
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