Reviews for Aberforth's Folly
mariagoner chapter 1 . 5/5/2004
Screamingly funny! Unbearably hilarious!
Nickolaus Pacione chapter 1 . 4/29/2004
I have to say you did a good job with this one. I got a hell of a laugh of this one; I was thinking seems like you got a little drunk and had a little fun at the expense of J.K. Rowling - and letting Lovecraft crawl into there with horrors. This is great that you did a story like this, I linked up a few of mine from a comment on your deadjournal. I found this on .
Mors Profundus chapter 1 . 4/18/2004
A splendid pastiche, clever, sly and mordant.
Truly, you have a gift for the form(which,like the pun is esteemed a low form of humor, especially by those who cannot make them.).
Perhaps you might favor us with another, very soon?
(as an aside, I think that you and I are the last humans who know what an ocarina is, or very much care-somehow I associate the ocarina, and the Teletubbies, with Lovecraft, and I don't know why.)
A further postscript-"The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction" published a story called "Ralph Wollstoncraft Hedge", sometime in the late '50's or early '60's.
I had never heard of Lovecraft, of whom it was a mock biography, and still it had me in stitches.
Perhaps the Magazine might make it available?
Fat chance!
Dicere chapter 1 . 3/11/2004
Congratulations. I laughed so hard at the end I choked, died, and my soul was trapped in the realm of Yog-Soddoth!
amphigorym chapter 1 . 9/22/2003
I stumbled across this on someone's recs page, and while I know next to nothing about Harry Potter, I do know a great deal about H.P. Lovecraft and Shug-Niggurath. This has to be one of the funniest pastiches of the Elder God's I've read in quit some time. Everything's in place; the return of the prodigal, the refusal by the parents to believe anything's wrong, despite the repeated horrific manifestations and, of course, the climactic meeting, which ends not so much with a bang but an "Oh my God!"

I give it a 5. It's got a good beat, you can dance to it, and anyone who can figure out a way to involve Lovecraft and/or the Cthulhu mythos in an ordinary fanfic has my vote.
Farquarson chapter 1 . 8/1/2003
Wonderful! A perfect pastiche of Lovecraft! Albus Dumbledore makes a fantastic Lovecraftian hero. I love the seemingly clueless parents, the terrified house elf, and Aberforth. I laughed till tears were running down my cheeks.
Lady Feylene chapter 1 . 5/27/2003
Very remniscent of Terry Pratchett. I highly enjoyed it. Poor goat...
the eighth weasley chapter 1 . 5/18/2003
*shrieking with laughter, can't leave proper review*
Doom Song chapter 1 . 4/20/2003
ennia chapter 1 . 3/17/2003
*Dies laughing*

Oh gosh, you had me going there. That has to be one of the funniest things I have ever read.

I love Albus' parents(they sound sort of like mine) and Aberforth was just plain wonderful.

I am going to find a hole to crawl into until the spasms from laughing so hard stop.

Well done!


Springrain chapter 1 . 3/3/2003
I'm gettin strange looks again. Why? Because this my laughing snort broke the silence of this library. Yeah, um, this is really funny. Cool style of writing.
Kenna Hijja chapter 1 . 3/3/2003
A highly unusual story you've got here. Dumbledore's voice is unique, really, even though I confess I found it hard to get used to at first. It reads like a combination of your average Lovecraftian narrator, a fairy tale and the dash of madness that's often attributed to Dumbledore, and works extremely well.

And some lines were just hilarious –

the 'Junior Summoning Set for Aspiring Mages';

"either my idiot brother was summoning the Dark Ones for his own nefarious ends, or else he had somehow learned Welsh" (which almost made me fall out of my chair);

"No, not that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I had more in mind gibbering mad gods piping insane antiphonies on their ocarina, semi-formless obscenities dwelling in halls of alien geometry, albino octopi sleeping in sunken cities. That sort of thing." (poor Lord Hastur, to be compared to Voldy.);

"Aberforth, you ass, You can't even read."

Of course I had a *very* different interpretation of the meaning of 'practicing inappropriate charms on a goat' *grin*, but your version is truly inspired.

"I've trained the goat. to back up!" – great, just great!
notnowmaybelater chapter 1 . 12/13/2002
Ahhh! There just aren't enough HPL/HP crossovers around, are there? This is excellent. Recognisably Lovecraftian, but at the same time readable. I love the He-who-must-not-be-named mixup.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/1/2002!
ephemera1 chapter 1 . 6/3/2002
This is wonderful. This is marvellous. This is a thing of beauty. May I offer my most heartfelt congratulations on such accomplished and inspired pisstaking.
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