Reviews for Aberforth's Folly
Aloe chapter 1 . 4/28/2002
*snark* this is wonderful!
Ariana Deralte chapter 1 . 4/16/2002
lol. That was beautiful! "either my idiot brother was summoning the Dark Ones for his own nefarious ends, or else he had somehow learned Welsh." hilarious and I really liked the parody of lovecraft. cheers:)
Minerva McTabby chapter 1 . 4/16/2002
Had to get a Lovecraft-reading friend to explain the punchline. (Hmm, I might even read some Lovecraft after this...) But really, I just loved this story for itself. And now I'm enjoying teluekh's MST of it. :-)

Laughed out loud at the thought of a crocheted wand cosy... I do like what you've done with first-person POV here; this Dumbledore manages to be eerily in character throughout the weirdness happening around him.

BTW, thanks for your Favorite stories list; it's given me some reading ideas.
Ana Ingva chapter 1 . 4/2/2002
Nothing like a good Lovecraft parody to make my day. Especially when involving Harry Potter. So Dumbledore's an alumnus of Miskatonic U?
Yrfeloran chapter 1 . 3/29/2002
Lovely work, really- cracking up the whole way. The first paragraph is a bit impenatrable, but I'm assuming that's deliberate stylistically?
Caipora chapter 1 . 3/2/2002
"Yug-succotash!"? Madcap, and a nice evolution of tone. A wierd and wonderful merging of genres.

The descriptions are vivid, and I'm not sure what was more horrifying: Aberforth's unknitting the Universe, or his mother's knitting.
UnrepentantReader chapter 1 . 2/21/2002
love the ending!
ducky-doll chapter 1 . 1/30/2002
Hi, this is an interesting fic.

I noticed your review in another fic, i think it was called 'It's that time of the year'- an oliver/harry slash one. that's how i found this. its pretty good, very mature writing style.

keep writing!

oh and, Sean Biggerstaff (the guy who played Oliver Wood in the 1st HP film) is actually a Scot not a Brit.
Aloe chapter 1 . 1/23/2002
*snark* Very PG Woodhouse-ish :)
Mundungus42 chapter 1 . 1/15/2002
Delightful! Excellent set up and delivery, and a tripping tempo. I'm going to go read more of your fics right now, excuse me...
exfilia1 chapter 1 . 1/15/2002
Oh, this is very nice. The Lovecraftian tone is perfect, and the punch line made me choke on my tea. Well done.
Crydwyn chapter 1 . 1/5/2002
It left me laughting for the next ten minutes. Well worth the read for the 'punch line' at the end. Well done!
Anita Skeeter who never signs in chapter 1 . 1/3/2002
*bursts out laughing*

Oh WONDERFUL! That was absolutely brilliant and marvelous! AHAHAHAHAHA! Especially loved the lines "either my idiot brother was summoning the Dark Ones for his own nefarious ends, or else he had somehow learned Welsh. Either prospect was equally chilling in my mind."

That is just...priceless and genius. Oh. Oh oh. This was...GREAT! *writhes in joyous excitement* Hooraaaaaaaaaay for you! And this fic! And Lovecraft! And Albus! And ABERFORTH'S GOAT!
Alchemine chapter 1 . 1/3/2002
Oh, I'm ROTFL! I kept thinking Mr. and Mrs. Dumbledore were unbelievably clueless, but it seems they knew better than Albus did for once. Excellent detail, too.
lise chapter 1 . 1/2/2002
lol, that was amusing. but how is that an inapropriate charm on a goat?
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