Reviews for Aberforth's Folly
lachupacabra chapter 1 . 1/2/2002
you made ice tea shoot out my nose.

now i need a new keyboard...


its great! more, please!
her2eternity chapter 1 . 1/1/2002
Oh, that was absolutely hysterical! Wonderfully well-written, wicked intensity and pacing. What a happy, happy place for me to begin reading your work!

I'm quite impressed, m'dear. Albus made an excellent Lovecraftian hero.

I *knew* succotash was evil!
Cooper Black chapter 1 . 12/30/2001
That was bizarre. Only another Lovecraft fan is going to understand half of it, but still it was incredible. I loved the house-elf babbling about "bad things going on up there, sir!" and refusing to come out of the closet.
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