Reviews for Crimson Embrace
EndlessGloaming chapter 2 . 1/13
I'm bummed there isn't more of this, but that was fun!
Revin12 chapter 2 . 7/23/2024
I loved it! I hope you expand it in the future.
Jenycullen chapter 2 . 11/12/2022
Oh man, I would have loved more on this!
Shazzeer chapter 2 . 8/4/2022
He he, Alice is the Queen of deceit ;). She played the long game ing got Edward hooked long before they were meant to meet in Forks ;)
Shazzeer chapter 1 . 8/4/2022
He he, devious Alice has a plan to get Edward all mates up ;).
He will savour Bella alright ;).

She need new friends, hers are all jealous harpy bitches that deserves to be gotten rid of… painfully and slow ;)
santoskamilla.14 chapter 2 . 3/19/2021
Por favor continue! É um enredo maravilhoso, que amaria ler mais
Moonlight4me chapter 2 . 1/1/2021
Oooooo, I like this! What a twist.
readicted chapter 2 . 3/8/2019
Well now that was some trip to the washroom. Shame on her friends for leaving her to go alone-although I guess that decision actually saved their lives. It's a good place to end this story, but that doesn't stop greedy me from wanting more, lol. Thank you for sharing it. It's very rare for me to read straight through an author's inventory like this, but I've been enjoying your writing so much that I haven't had enough yet, so I'm now off to read FBR.
readicted chapter 1 . 3/8/2019
Oh my, this is deliciously different. It is so wicked that Edward closed the bathroom door back (I'd be scared to death. And then, bathed in the dark shadows, he greets her by name from right in front of her. Oh dear!
Twiolic chapter 2 . 11/10/2018
Your continuation of PftW sent me to your fic list to see what else I could read. This was great!
dancer54 chapter 1 . 7/2/2018
Since discovering your stories and this one-shot, I recommend them every chance I get!
Not that you haven't heard this before, but It bears repeating, " plz plz plz start writing again?"
dpennell007 chapter 2 . 11/24/2017
Great story! Not a bad place to end it, but one more chapter would have been perfect.
Carla Gasperoni chapter 2 . 12/20/2016
This HAS to be continued!
You have to give us more!
Ticcing Bat chapter 2 . 8/9/2016
I wish you would continue this.
jk chapter 2 . 8/5/2016
I thought Edward decided to "have her" and yet he didn't have her AND he didn't "have her" lol
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